Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] out [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We do n't need that to go out to clients .
2 Anne 's job involved shift work , six o'clock until two , two o'clock until ten , and ten o'clock until six in the morning so she was rarely free to go out with Sarah .
3 It 's becoming sort of fairly topical erm where there , and it is , more perhaps related to the fear of crime than the actual crime itself , where , people are afraid to go out for fear that they 're going to be personally attacked , whether it be you know , answering the door at night in their own homes , or actually , you know , going to their cars .
4 The television , for many old people who are afraid to go out at night , an important link with the outside world and the sources of ent entertainment .
5 Surely it 's true that everyone who changes his or her life because of crime — from those afraid to go out at night to those afraid to go into the parks they pay for — surely these people have been denied a basic civil right .
6 And this trend has sparked frequent claims that many people are living in fear , often too afraid to go out at night .
7 He called for more street patrols after a 38pc increase in crime was reported , saying women and the elderly were afraid to go out after dark as well as some other men .
8 They are afraid to stay in in case their doors are kicked in , but they are also afraid to go out in case their homes are done in while they are out .
9 So many houses have been burgled here and old people are afraid to come out at night .
10 Th the crime problem , as we 've already said is n't too , too great here but er nevertheless it 's important that we , we er keep our eyes open and try and keep crime out because some of these people that erm are living in the bigger cities that are criminals are now starting to discover that it 's easier to come out to places like Farnsfield and commit the crime , because we , we 're not experienced at it .
11 By the same token we are free to pull out of Europe whenever we wish , simply by repealing the EC Act .
12 Price was working in Sheffield but was willing to help out from time to time .
13 Yes , I thought , but then there 's , but briefly er Sue , I was going to wanted to point out in fact er you just er if you do n't mind Paul I 'll just go back
14 But it would be unrealistic to leave out of account the fact that Pilkington was a knight of the king 's body and one , moreover , owed a favour for his support of Edward in 1471 .
15 But it would be unrealistic to leave out of account the fact that Pilkington was a knight of the king 's body and one , moreover , owed a favour for his support of Edward in 1471 .
16 Piper knows Benn is prone to run out of gas if he ca n't get through in the early rounds .
17 He pushed open the door and scrambled out of the car , careful to keep out of sight of the house .
18 They may draw some comfort from a survey revealing recession-hit parents are still prepared to spend out on youngsters .
19 They may draw some comfort from a survey revealing recession-hit parents are still prepared to spend out on youngsters .
20 Rather than travel out from Highgate , it seemed more sensible to move out of London and travel in to town .
21 If you are prepared to splash out on costs Sunsail can organise your event in the Caribbean , Mediterranean or Thailand .
22 On a more serious note , Rowell was a very impressive coach , demanding on the training field , decisively analytical off it — yet not afraid to speak out over indignities such as the Ubogu affair .
23 The sort of larger items the police have property marking kits that they 're quite willing to lend out to people , or alternatively , you can hire them out on your library card , and you can dye stamp those or engrave them .
24 The Animals in Medicine Research Information Centre ( AMRIC ) was founded in 1985 to speak out on behalf of such workers , yet the climate remains an unhappy one , thriving on propaganda , half-truths , and plain ignorance , as well as violence .
25 For the purposes of this judgment it is unnecessary to set out in detail the concerns felt by the local authority about the placement of the four children with the foster mother .
26 Unable to compete , domestic farmers at one stage looked set to go out of business .
27 The project examines this case in detail and considers methods for improving the accuracy of the approximation which are easy to carry out in practice .
28 It was impossible to dine out in view of hungry acquaintances .
29 ( I begin to feel it is awfully easy to talk out of ignorance & still sound not unlike Berger et al … )
30 For some assignments with less experienced clients it will be appropriate to set out in detail and at some length the scope of the MAS and KPMG involvement at each stage ; for more experienced clients a shorter approach may be appropriate .
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