Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] at any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He talks as if I 'm free to go at any minute , and I 'm the same . )
2 You are free to cancel at any time .
3 But if that was what Adams wanted , well , he was willing to clutch at any straw .
4 The pilot must be vigilant on every aerotow and must realise the importance of being prepared to release at any point on the climb out should his glider get badly out of position .
5 In this context an assignment may be considered " terminated " , because it can not affect or be affected by the other process , and is free to terminate at any time .
6 I was fortunate to have had these advantages ; it is quite impossible to operate at any level in industry without being aware of the world forces which are pressing upon us .
7 Seaward there was nothing but a pearly opalescence which , though it seemed likely to vanish at any moment , effectively blocked out sea and sky .
8 Pearlin and his colleagues have discussed the effectiveness of commonly used coping responses to various chronic role strains of the sort likely to erupt at any time into major events ( Pearlin and Schooler , 1978 ; Pearlin et al. , 1981 ) .
9 Although at the moment it is up to you to decide what form of updating you would like to undertake , it would be useful to look at any developments in your area aimed at your special interest , and to find out from employers what they might expect from you in advance of offering you a job .
10 Instead , holdings and dealings would be recorded electronically in an account , corresponding to a bank account , with one of a number of ‘ account operators , ’ linked to TAURUS , from whom shareholders would be able to obtain at any time documentary evidence of the state of their accounts .
11 Florence and Rome are stunning to visit at any time of the year — but in the winter they have a charm of their own .
12 The weir at Melrose Cauld on the Tweed has been rebuilt to a dangerous design and is no longer considered safe to shoot at any point .
13 What we are saying is , the patient ought to be able to determine at any stage of their illness what care they receive , and they ought to know what is coming next .
14 It is also helpful to be able to refer at any time to a ‘ map ’ of the pathways followed and nodes visited in the course of a particular trip through ‘ hyperspace ’ .
15 In Birmingham ‘ the evening papers are eagerly read each night , and scores of boys who never play themselves are able to name at any time the runs made by prominent cricketers … and in seasons like the present ‘ discuss readily and ably the claims of the individual members of the Australian team to be considered really worthy exponents of the game ’ .
16 Because tin lodes are apt to end at any time , miners have to be continually ready to open up new levels or drives , and to extend new ones in a series of crazy changes in direction .
17 Denice is never late , so we 've been told , and she 's due to arrive at any moment .
18 He seems , on his own initiative , to have put himself through an extensive course of classics , modern languages and English literature , a combination of subjects that it was not then possible to offer at any university .
19 The extent and depth of religious belief is notoriously difficult to estimate at any time in any country , but a few general statistics can be applied reliably to the peasantry of 1922 in areas like Belorussia , Kursk , and Tambov .
20 Changes in attitude conducive to the development of a corporate approach would have been difficult to effect at any time .
21 His table was lavish , his welcome open and generous , they could hardly have fallen into richer pastures after all these vexations ; and yet Hugh continued throughout the meal curiously alert , as though he expected something unforeseen to happen at any moment , and divert events into some wild course at a tangent , just when Prior Robert , at least , was beginning to believe his troubles over .
22 Now they run nine DC10s , each carrying seventy- four tons of fuel , taken out of civil use because they were too noisy ; they 're loaded and ready to go at any time .
23 El conde hovered over his kingdom like an eagle , sharp-eyed and cold , ready to swoop at any moment .
24 Maybe she was just waiting for a chance to go abroad and wanted to be ready to leave at any time .
25 The following are the rates that were effective from 6 April 1976 , but it must be remembered that these are liable to change at any time ; full information on contribution rates can be obtained from the Department of Health and Social Security .
26 Steve and Maria Luisa were the Damocles ' sword swaying over their relationship , ready to drop at any second and break it all up .
27 Because Vietnam is still there at our door , ready to return at any occasion . ’
28 I can only hazard a guess at what it must have been like to sail in a typical convoy , with bombers and submarines liable to strike at any moment , or to brave the Western Approaches with only a couple of inches of rusting metal between yourself and the enemy .
29 What used to be so thrilling , though , was the sense of colossal size behind the playing , ready to erupt at any moment , plus the extraordinary risks Berman would take when the adrenalin was flowing .
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