Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] at [adv] some " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , even if people were inclined to shop around actively for credit , the practices of lenders themselves are likely to set at least some limits to their ability to do this .
2 But no matter how fluently you speak English you are likely to have at least some problems when you write it .
3 Despite the power of Barro 's ‘ equivalence theorem ’ , it seems reasonable to acknowledge at least some role for government bonds in the definition of NW in addition to fiat money .
4 It would only be reasonable to give at least some of the credit for this successful adaptation to de Gaulle 's incessant proselytizing about the necessity of modernization .
5 With the benefit of five years ' hindsight and analysis , it is possible to understand at least some of the political consequences of that sort of robust egalitarianism .
6 Thus , ME language states , being so variable , should in principle be suited to the same kind of analysis that we use in present-day social dialectology , and by using variationist methods we should be able to explore at least some of the constraints on variation that might have existed in ME .
7 If you really enjoy cooking you will probably want to be able to take at least some meals in the kitchen and to have as much space as possible for herbs , spices , pots and pans , cook books and all the other impedimenta collected by the keen cook , quite apart from generous food storage and good kitchen aids .
8 If Barth was now able to say at least some of the things that Brunner also wished to say , he was doing so within his own perspective — and demonstrating at the same , time that that perspective was not as narrow and restricted as Brunner had imagined it must be .
9 I ca n't say I know all about it either ; but I do know enough to be able to tell at least some of the truth about why and how we tell , i.e. communicate , the truth .
10 I am grateful that , on this occasion at least , the hon. Gentleman has found it possible to welcome at least some of the proposals in the White Paper .
11 Even in the absence of information about place and time of original utterance , even in the absence of information about the speaker / writer and his intended recipient , it is often possible to reconstruct at least some part of the physical context and to arrive at some interpretation of the text .
12 In consciousness alone is it possible to confront at least some empirical properties and apprehend them directly , and if consciousness is analysed in terms of some purely non-mental notion this grasp is lost ; just as , in the analysis of thought , if the irreducible generality of thought is analysed away , our ability to think and refer is wished away with it .
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