Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] what [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 It would then be possible to see what progress the Welsh Office and its various agencies are making towards the attainment of common goals .
2 But Labour 's deputy leader of the council , Alan Dean , said it was impossible to know what effect the level of government finance , pay settlements and competitive tendering would have on the council 's ability to guarantee jobs .
3 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
4 It is not easy to appraise what success the Land Commission achieved .
5 The following table of classifications of errors from test recognition data shows that it is impossible to tell what type the original error was .
6 Yet it is hard to see what violence the police foresaw as direct and immediate .
7 It was hard to see what calibre the cannon were for the air was already hot enough to shimmer and blur the details of the far guns .
8 There are too many unknown quantities in the complex equation regarding number of bodies , quantity of fuel , rate of woodland regeneration and time , to be able to calculate what impact the presence of a large cremation cemetery would have had on the landscape .
9 In short , while accepting that no conclusive view on the effects of the separation of ownership and control is possible , it is important to enquire what contribution the law and structural reform might make to closing the disciplinary gap .
10 Without any direct contact , it 's difficult to know what state the negotiations are in .
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