Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Hence it is vain to go to historical consciousness for the truest meaning .
2 II adjusted its unproductive consumption and accumulation of surplus-value to accommodate to this pattern .
3 It is possible to compensate to some extent for the lower sensitivity by reducing R2 to 470Ω in value .
4 Yet this did not mean that the natives were aware that Russia had ‘ owned ’ the region from ancient times , or that they would be prepared to agree to this state of affairs .
5 Obviously Devlin Parnham had been prepared to agree to any sort of conditions to get the count to accept this mission .
6 For those whose scholarship he respected he was prepared to go to endless trouble , but to those whom he suspected of pretensions exceeding their knowledge or understanding he gave short shrift .
7 Harwell says it 's satisfied it provides as much data as possible , but the plant is willing to listen to any council proposals .
8 * a significant proportion of the market may comprise consumers who require non-standard products simply because they are not able or willing to conform to standardised purchasing patterns .
9 ‘ It will be free to sell to any business , and will earn higher prices and offer greater security since it wo n't be linked to the fortunes of any one company , however successful that company may appear . ’
10 I am not prepared to accede to that submission .
11 Individual agents may be willing to submit to mutual monitoring because it is likely to reduce fluctuations in the value of their human capital .
12 Lastly , companies must operate money-back , satisfaction-guaranteed schemes , and be willing to submit to independent arbitration in cases of irreconcilable disputes .
13 By the same token , those of us who become victims of fatal disease should be willing to submit to medical research for the better advantage of humanity .
14 I accept that the Government have the right to determine the amount of money that they are prepared to give to local government .
15 If you are going to buy a camcorder , it might seem to he sensible to keep to this format : all your cassettes would be interchangeable , and you would be able to play back your own recordings on your colour television via your existing VCR just as you would any other tape .
16 In such a situation of role confusion and role strains a person at the end of the line is not disposed to react to new policy initiatives from above as if he or she were a mere functionary .
17 They are therefore particularly prone to react to extra stress either at home or while using the Department 's services .
18 to go back , because to do this to get to this stage and find we 're not getting our audiences then , if that 's the answer we 'll just have to find the solution .
19 It restricts the mobility of workers and so keeps unemployment higher than it need be : people who own their homes are less willing to move to another area to find a job .
20 So now Theodora looked across at the Inspector , wondering just how much she was prepared to say to this man .
21 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
22 It 's not that I 'm totally assured that this time round I wo n't be quite so foolish , it 's simply that I know it 's possible to progress to that stage beyond ‘ falling in love ’ — if I do n't opt out as soon as he starts to look less like Prince Charming and more like Mr Very Ordinary and Boring .
23 As in a modern context it is immediately clear that students find it hard to combine study with a full-time job ; so , addressing a would-be contemplative , the Cloud-author explains his view that it is impossible for man to pursue the discipline of meditation and study unless he first ceases external activity , and impossible to come to mystical knowledge of God if the mind is engaged in discursive thought .
24 Maybe they do n't find it hard to , they do n't find it very easy to talk to each other about difficult things ; maybe they ca n't say the sort of things ‘ I love you but , I wish you did n't , such and such ’ .
25 Some items of revenue and expense may be easy to assign to specific accounting periods but incomplete transactions raise problems .
26 History has much to contribute to vocational education in both its narrower and broader definitions .
27 But it was not easy to keep to this decision .
28 " that from the style of the building ( which although ancient in its design , is at the present day unique and novel ) it is almost impossible to calculate to any thing near the real cost , where the greatest part of the expense is incurred by the labour in working the , stone in the various forms on antique architecture .
29 It is therefore all too easy to convert to arable farming and the prairie in particular has been reduced to fragments between the expanding farms .
30 In the Ukraine , it was impossible to adhere to this principle .
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