Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the ignominious collapse of the grand scheme the two separated , each to accommodate itself to the developing capitalist system , each to find its own way forward within the system and as part of it .
2 The outer leaves are very important for the effect of the painting , especially against the sky , whereas it is possible to lose myself in the inner masses to some extent .
3 Through this it is possible to orient oneself amidst the various schools and to make sense of the anonymous drawings , which constitute the majority . ’
4 Far away we can hear the noise of the wind forcing its way up some narrow gully then bursting free to hurl itself across the plateau we crossed yesterday .
5 Paper circulates today in vast quantities , and you need only to retrieve some of this to provide yourself with an adequate body of notes at no cost at all .
6 Mr Attlee was careful to position himself with the majority view in Cabinet .
7 This left Lady Arran free to fortify herself with a large tot of rum .
8 For the most part these arose from the almost heedless manner in which Christians were prepared to identify themselves with the dominant values of secular Roman society .
9 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
10 In the first year it had been careful to disassociate itself from the truck-driver 's pin-up image by boasting of the high social and business standing of its readers … ‘ seven corporation presidents , fourteen vice-presidents , psychiatrists , a mortician and three embalmers ’ were listed among the first subscribers .
11 Further , with a little prompting ( i.e. respondents presented with a standard list of classes and asked to place themselves ) the overwhelming majority of respondents were willing to assign themselves to the ‘ middle ’ or ‘ working ’ classes or some sub-division of these .
12 Anyone who was prepared to submit himself to a debtors ' prison for a token period could apply from The Fleet or the Marshalsea for the help of the Insolvent Debtors Court .
13 During a visit to the hairdresser 's I realized that we women are prepared to put ourselves through the most extraordinary practices in order to improve our image .
14 Patients who have had previous experience of hypnotherapy ( even if no regression was involved ) are more likely to have confidence in the technique and in its safety , and therefore are often more willing to put themselves in the hands of the therapist and trust their own subconscious .
15 More often , it turns into loss of direction or of purposeful organization , because no one is willing to separate herself from the rest in order to take charge .
16 Are these people afraid to expose themselves in a panel condemning the National Health Service or just to sit in the background and make any comments ?
17 For these are hyper-competitive athletes , all ex-pro American footballers or wrestlers , and not afraid to punish themselves in the cause of being The Best .
18 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
19 The Stanleys were careful to place themselves at the head of local opinion rather than ride the county roughshod and their identity of opinion with local Unionists on political and religious matters made them even more powerful .
20 If Protestantism was more Conducive than Catholicism to the expansion of science , one would expect this to manifest itself in a greater receptivity toward new and controversial ideas .
21 He was a memorable mixture of inner repose and outer restlessness , of calculation , even shrewdness , and a princely carelessness , of something certain , never to be shaken , only perhaps tested and eroded as the years went by , and something uncertain , game for everything and willing to push himself to the point of self-destruction .
22 This either indicates the typical ’ lip-service ’ paid to issues of racism , the overriding liberalism , the negation of our abilities to give a contribution , or it show that Black women are not prepared to involve themselves in a reactionary movement which takes no account of our needs .
23 It 's a measure of the esteem in which Altman is held that many of the close to 70 stars who appear were willing to commit themselves to a project which so ruthlessly satirizes their very existence .
24 Lifting her out of the water we were totally silent , and neither of us seemed to be willing to commit ourselves on a weight so we just put her in the sling and let the scales do the talking .
25 The crisis revealed , however , that the king 's war no longer had the wholehearted support of the community , and more ominously , that some members of the nobility were prepared to associate themselves with the commons ' demands for concessions and reforms .
26 Few academics would think it proper to bring themselves before the reader in this way , particularly in a work of learning .
27 Management can encourage this by ‘ selling ’ a sense of the corporate ‘ mission ’ , or by promoting the company 's ‘ image ’ ; it can reward the ‘ right ’ attitudes and punish ( or simply not employ ) those who are n't prepared to commit themselves to the culture ;
28 To take the initiative yourself , however is often too difficult : your mind may have convinced you that your confusion is so much greater than other people 's , your backlog of work so much longer , your reputation so much lower , that to open yourself to the social confirmation of these frightful facts would be a pointless and self-sacrificing thing to do .
29 A trail marked with simple stone arches every half mile or so leads to Las Ruinas on top of each , but it 's easy to lose yourself in the maze of secondary trails which weave between the small fields .
30 It would not be easy to acknowledge themselves as the poor relation .
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