Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Richard Baxter and his friend , Dr. William Bates narrowly escaped arrest when they were due to meet to pray for the recovery of a woman who was ill and on the point of death .
2 No particular form of words is necessary to create a floating charge ; it suffices if the intention is shown ( a ) to impose a charge on assets both present and future , ( b ) the assets are of such a nature that they would be changing in the ordinary course of the company 's business , and ( c ) the company is free to continue to deal with the assets in the ordinary course of its business .
3 She said that had been his double and he 'd got away scot-free to come to live in the last country in the world where people would think of looking for him .
4 A strong swimmer , she managed to reach a rock jutting above the water , and there she stuck ; it would have been suicidal to attempt to swim through the rapids to either shore .
5 The company said it was ‘ pointless to continue to compete in the overcrowded , heavily discounted and ultimately unprofitable air package holidays business ’ .
6 Andrew Johnson , general manager of AA Travel , said : ‘ It frankly became pointless to continue to compete in the overcrowded , heavily discounted and ultimately unprofitable air-package holidays business . ’
7 It was amazing to have to go to the other side of the world to hear people talking the same language .
8 I find it impossible to begin to think about the phenomena which are giving you anxiety and which , I assure you , are giving me anxiety , without some elementary attempt to classify those phenomena .
9 Well we think we 've put a team together , very very hard to do to get into the points limit of forty .
10 Are they likely to contribute to profit in the long term ?
11 Hewlett-Packard and IBM are both very interested in the microkernel planned by the Software Foundation , but that is two years away , which suggests that if applications developers do not start converting their applications to run under OSF/1 soon , for commercial reasons , all the sponsors currently at the V.3.2 level look likely to decide to wait for the microkernel and then implement their existing environments over it .
12 Qannaas ' trainer , BBC commentator and former royal jockey Bill Smith , said the horse is likely to attempt to win for the third time this season tomorrow ( Sat ) at Parham .
13 I would be more likely to attempt to skimp on the following :
14 Research is required into how the working patterns of scholars are likely to change to cope with the complexity and variety of information sources available to them , and what support they will require in this information seeking process .
15 Besides , those who thoroughly understand the possibilities of their own language are more likely to want to venture into the world of literature than those who have never been taught to have an ear or an eye for language .
16 In the arable sector , it is clearly important to reduce the end price and to ensure that farmers are able to continue to look after the land .
17 At every stage , the media must insist upon its right to investigate and to print public interest stories ; if it is right in its identification of the public interest , it is unlikely to come to harm in the long run .
18 On the other hand , earthworms , white worm , grindal worm and microworm are relatively safe to feed to fish in the aquarium .
19 He kept talking about wanting to put things on to a sound financial footing , in which case none of us would have been able to afford to live in the club .
20 North Merseyside was dismissed immediately as existing staff would be unlikely to wish to relocate to the area and it was felt such a location would not serve to enhance the company 's recruitment image .
21 It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world , without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace … there must be some agreement among the countries of Europe as to the requirements of the situation and the part those countries themselves will take in order to give proper effect to whatever action might be undertaken by this government .
22 Second , ‘ the plans themselves should consciously take note of such demand factors and , of critical importance , the plans should be sufficiently flexible to be able to respond to demand in the course of implementation — including the identification of criteria which , when met , should signal a need for a review .
23 It is very possible to sympathize in good part , if not entirely , with the psychologists and philosophers who were sceptical or uncertain of the worth of introspection as a source of knowledge , reluctant to attempt to deal with the unquantifiable , keen to be in accord with certain principles of scientific methodology , resistant to such free speculation as the Freudian kind , and who thus took the step of analysing ascriptions of consciousness into claims about no more than behaviour .
24 In fact , it was largely through the middle-class and scientific bias of the new provincial colleges that English Language , Literature , and History came to serve as a so-called " poor man 's classics " , and it was only at the very end of the century that Oxbridge became sufficiently concerned to begin to succumb to the then " national demand " for such studies and introduce new " Schools " and " Tripos " regulations that would allow the ancient institutions to take a lead in these new areas .
25 In national parks or Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( AONBs ) , or in areas designated by the Secretary of State as ‘ rural ’ , the sale contains a covenant limiting the freedom of the purchasing tenant and his successors to resell the dwelling ; houses can be resold only to ‘ locals ’ who fulfil certain criteria , such as living or working in the designated rural area for the previous three years ; or , for ten years after the original purchase , the tenant has first to offer to resell to the council ( Liell 1981 ) .
26 It is simpler to learn to live with the proposed branching rule .
27 Government policy has been to close large mental hospitals and wherever possible to move to care in the community , with a resulting decrease in the number of psychiatric hospital beds .
28 In truth , it is not quite correct to refer to talk of the Institute 's ‘ deafening silence ’ on this matter , as , in its evidence to the Cadbury Committee , the Institute 's Financial Reporting and Auditing Group was actually supportive of the Caparo position !
29 In future they look certain to have to abide by the electronic device which can record false starts .
30 ‘ It will be frustrating to have to stay in the Vauxhall Conference for another year , especially when so many clubs in the lower divisions are struggling to stay afloat . ’
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