Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pers pn] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Is it possible to wear it with a belt ?
2 The defence recognises that market makers play an important role within the securities market and that to provide them with no immunity would be to make that market less liquid .
3 As I cleaned the little beauty and mounted it in my new display case , I promised myself that I would do everything possible to provide it with a few companions in the months that followed .
4 And anyway , if somebody is too forthright and says what he really thinks you might feel impelled to hit him with a brick .
5 This is painted just before the war , and it 's interesting to compare it with a painting by the court painter , William Dobson who worked in Oxford during the war , his studio was just around the corner in the High Street , because that 's Rupert very much at the end when things were going badly wrong for him , erm and it 's unfinished , perhaps because Dobson was beginning to run out of paint , and the experts at allow , and I think just that face tells the whole story about tension and unhappiness , Dobson 's an interesting painter , one of the first English painters who sort of get to the top in this way , and he painted a lot of the cavaliers at Charles ' court , erm this is Sir John Byron who clattered down the main street at St Aldate 's , before the king even arrived before the Battle of Edgehill , the one that caused trouble for John Smith , erm and he was very much a swash-buckling character , but he did n't spend a lot of time in Oxford later , but he was there enough to have his portrait painted .
6 As you will have realised by now this is not a fish for the person with a small community tank , but as long as you are prepared to provide it with the correct conditions , it is perfectly feasible for the novice to keep and breed the fish successfully .
7 The story of Gilly Hopkins is very sad : Gilly has the opportunity to gain everything she 's always wanted — someone who cares about her and forgives her and is willing to provide her with a loving home , but Gilly throws all this away simply by writing a letter when she 's feeling very upset .
8 Since Schorne was described in an episcopal record in 1273 as a subdeacon and became an incumbent with cure of souls at that time , it is probably wrong to identify him with the namesake collated by Archbishop John Peckham [ q.v. ] to the rectory of Monks Risborough ( Buckinghamshire ) on 24 September 1289 , a man who had been ordained subdeacon on the title of that benefice just twelve days earlier in Kent .
9 I plan to donate approximately 30 items myself and a friend if willing to help me with the selling .
10 ‘ Who should be free to help me with the food .
11 Children here do n't lack any sort of ability it 's because th they English is n't their first language so they need support in learning English to help them with the everyday necessities of the national curriculum .
12 Of course , our quiz is intended to be light-hearted , so if you disagree with the conclusions , feel free to take them with a pinch of salt .
13 I feel it is appropriate to provide you with the details of our costs to date and to give an indication of the likely costs to the conclusion of the heads of agreement .
14 Whatever your requirements , from traditional wedding arrangements , including delicate bridesmaids ' posies , to exquisite designs for a special occasion — whether for a large dance or small party — Edward Goodyear will be delighted to provide you with a free estimate to suit your individual desires .
15 The nurse may recognise potential problems and it may be appropriate to discuss them with the patient .
16 Anyone familiar with the clear , highly distinctive aroma of geranium would know that one would need to be totally anosmic to confuse it with the soft , deep notes of sandalwood .
17 Where written pupil work is produced , it obviously contains a great deal of information ; something can be learnt about the general stage of understanding of the class by looking through such work after the lesson , while more is revealed if it is possible to discuss it with the pupil concerned .
18 If Peter is actually a ‘ tough ’ whose nickname means ‘ Rocky ’ , is it not possible to equate him with the fierce individual known as Simon Zelotes or Simon the Canaanite — to equate him , that is , with Simon the Zealot ?
19 is that that the consultation is a problem the legislation which takes away the requirement for several developments to promote valuable time and be advertised prior to the application so the first most people knew about this application was after this this opportunity prior to that to discuss it with the development before it was submitted .
20 If used carefully and correctly , condoms are likely to provide you with an effective barrier against HIV infection during penetrative sex ( they are 98% reliable ) .
21 Handling it in this way is likely to leave him with a sense of confusion and resentment .
22 There is , indeed , so much vigour in the playing that it is hard to credit him with the age the dictionaries seem to agree on ( he was six months short of his 75th birthday when he made these recordings ) .
23 They do n't find it so comfortable to forget you with a nice headstone . ’
24 And they 're glad to share it with the visitors :
25 ‘ If you want a power-sharing executive , you are likely to blow it with the council , I said .
26 Unfortunately , the surviving harpsichord by Hitchcock has lost its stop knobs : it would have been most useful to compare them with the painting .
27 Also , keeping band accounts is useful to familiarize you with the practicalities of money coming in and going out .
28 In theory the gutters will drain if fixed dead level , but in practice it is better to fit them with a slight fall of about 1in in 50ft .
29 It is helpful to discuss it with the main witnesses , first off ; brings it alive , if you know what I mean . ’
30 It would have been better to cover them with a tarpaulin , but he had forgotten to bring one , perhaps .
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