Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] these thing " in BNC.

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1 , I mean it 's a lot easier to think of these things than it is for the other one , er , you would say , that was actually lazy bastard , but we did n't want to offend anybody , er , useless git ,
2 ‘ It is dangerous to joke about these things . ’
3 It 's no it 's crap erm Petie Peter Peter Are we supposed to talk about these things while we 've got them on because I do .
4 It 's always hard to tell with these things , ’ he finished gloomily .
5 Now of course I 'm not supposed to admit to these things , being a professional , bo b before I do admit it them as I am going to I have to say that er on an average year er year we do about one thousand five hundred jobs and in that time there will probably be about three or four claimable accidents that we 'll have .
6 Yet Leapor is able to write of these things with good humour and to maintain a quiet hope .
7 Yeah erm so er yeah right that 's er because I mean what 's nice to see in these things is if you 're able to tell some sort of coherent little story from er y'know kind of these er people 's ideas , themes , speculations , evidence from previous studies and all that kind of thing and this is this is the data that we 've got that tells us something about those and says how misconceived they all are or how it may confirm them or whatever and then y'know a couple of bits sort of so it 's like a nice narrative but sort of fairly y'know sort of continuous argument going through which is nice to see and so er yeah .
8 But it 's horrid to dwell on these things where the central effort and basic attitude is so right minded .
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