Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Without this redshift/distance relation , it would be possible to estimate reliably the distance to most of the galaxies we observe .
2 Baldwin and Samuel said that they were willing to serve under the Prime Minister and render all help possible to carry on the Government as a National Emergency Government until an emergency bill or bills had been passed by Parliament , which would restore once more British credit and the confidence of foreigners .
3 The heating was on inside the car but it did little to drive out the chill that seemed to have settled in her bones .
4 In that work it is possible to see clearly the relation between his insistence on totality and the Romantic aesthetic of totality as the inner necessity that moulds all works of art .
5 On a clear day it is possible to see both the English and Bristol Channels ; the distant Quantocks and Mendips frame the Somerset Levels , with Glastonbury Tor rising mysteriously out of the mists .
6 Because we do not have the legs preserved , it is not possible to see how the mouth appendages functioned in feeding , and neither are the stomach contents preserved .
7 We were due to try out the show at Farnham , a 400-seater theatre , less than an hour from London .
8 Certain cases dominate the coverage in the national press , and by using these cases it is possible to indicate how the images of sex beast are constantly being preferred to readers .
9 When the index is computerised it will be practicable to increase greatly the number of names on the index .
10 Therefore the area of the rectangle shown at the bottom of the last page is equal to base x height and the area of the triangle is unc We can now see that to work out the area of any triangle we simply need to remember are unc
11 As Pahl ( 1988 ) points out , it is not possible to accept uncritically the idea that an underclass has emerged in British society .
12 Latest word from the grapevine is that IBM Corp 's 3390-9 disk drive may be put back to June 1 or June 8 ( CI No 2,165 ) , and there is a certain lack of confidence that the thing will be an easy sell given that it is significantly slower than the lower capacity drives , making it unsuitable for most leading edge mainframe applications ( CI No 2,165 ) : the conspiracy theorists conjecture that it is not a product that the sales force and the market actually want , one that could have been developed simply to respond to something a competitor was planning but in the end never launched , but that it has cost sufficient to develop that to write off the effort now would leave a nasty hole in AdStar Inc 's balance sheet — much better to put the thing out in the confidence that some users will bite , and write the work off over perhaps a five-year product life .
13 She believes some people will vote Labour to shake up the Conservatives and make them reconsider their policies .
14 It is possible to work out the length required for a garment by measuring the length used for a tension square and calculating the total area of the garment from the diagram but I think you would need to be addicted to mathematics to find this worthwhile .
15 It is possible to work out the length required for a garment by measuring the length used for a tension square and calculating the total area of the garment from the diagram but I think you would need to be addicted to mathematics to find this worthwhile .
16 Knowing the number of d electrons , it is possible to work out the number of free ion terms by analyzing the microstates ; this process is described in Ref. [ 20 ] .
17 It is almost always possible to find out the answers to basic questions about pay and conditions prior to the interview .
18 After that they are free to carry out the search for their birth parents .
19 The bronze was cast in standard ingots that were about 0.9 metres long with inward-curving sides that made them easier to carry on the shoulder , as shown on one of the contemporary Egyptian tomb paintings depicting Minoan emissaries .
20 It will be interesting to see where the matches against Auckland involving Scottish Exiles and a District Select ( venues are not listed in the draft fixture list ) will be staged .
21 ‘ It 'll be interesting to see how the Home Office reacts to that . ’
22 It will be interesting to see how the exhibition influences Scottish women art students .
23 If women are convicted of crimes in greater numbers ( and , as mentioned , female convictions have increased in recent years ) , it will be interesting to see how the police and the courts react .
24 I have followed Star Trek for years , it will be interesting to see how the wigs change through the films ;
25 The juggernaut was building up speed and , looking down , it was easier to see where the road was clear and safe to travel .
26 It is possible that in the past any Zuwayi would have felt free to continue personally the feud with Zliten if he could allege that the peace was unsatisfactory or incomplete .
27 If you 're willing to go down the route to drag hunting I am willing to support any hunt that wants to go down that route and I am sure this authority would .
28 Gerry Crawley , a NALGO finance spokesman , said the council was prepared to sit out the strike , but that stance was creating a nightmare scenario for the tax which would take years to clear up .
29 Daniel Patrick Moynihan , the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and one of the administration 's key allies on the Hill , has made it clear that Mr Clinton is willing to scale back the tax , exempting whole industries and offering generous rebates to exporters .
30 It 'll be interesting to know where the girl was going to .
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