Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [pron] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He allows , however , that it 'll take six to nine months after the acquisition is complete to see which way the wind is blowing .
2 It would then be possible to see what progress the Welsh Office and its various agencies are making towards the attainment of common goals .
3 It was too heavy to turn in the wind , but it mattered little to know which way the wind was blowing : wherever it blew it blew word of the miraculous pageant and the Angel Gabriel .
4 ‘ I was wrong to give your mother a job , ’ he said .
5 She was not prepared to give her mother the satisfaction of knowing that Nicky had deceived her .
6 Only then would he be free to offer his father the respect he owed him .
7 Pointless trying to swim against it , but sometimes it just was n't that easy to see which way the current went .
8 But Labour 's deputy leader of the council , Alan Dean , said it was impossible to know what effect the level of government finance , pay settlements and competitive tendering would have on the council 's ability to guarantee jobs .
9 It was easy to imagine what relief the miners must have felt at the end of a long day 's work in those conditions when they saw the mouth of the tunnel framing the daylight before them .
10 It is not easy to appraise what success the Land Commission achieved .
11 but even more content to have me hoe the weeds and ungum the filters for her while she sat half-naked on an ancient natural tube steel chair tipped back on two legs against the natural pulpboard side of her natural module A farmhouse , playing her warped old guitar .
12 And it 's not gon na be easy to get him outta the country … .
13 I say advantage because if you were to close your eyes while playing , it would be impossible to say which guitar the Carlton 's neck reminded you of most .
14 The following table of classifications of errors from test recognition data shows that it is impossible to tell what type the original error was .
15 In some of the more elaborate biplanes it was not always easy to tell which way the loads were going and it was a stock joke at one time that the way to check the rigging of a certain aircraft was to put a canary between the wings ; if it got out something was wrong .
16 Yet it is hard to see what violence the police foresaw as direct and immediate .
17 It was hard to see what calibre the cannon were for the air was already hot enough to shimmer and blur the details of the far guns .
18 Similarly a chorus of cavaliers , referring to ‘ corni e tamburi , e trombe ’ , has instrumental parts which could be for actual trumpets and drums but are more probably for strings imitating them , since in Act II when Chiron is supposed to play his lyre the music consists of a sinfonia di viole , and the passata dell'armata which ends the First Act of Didone ( 1641 ) and another chiamata alla caccia in the Third are equally ambiguous .
19 Aga saga : a morality tale for the nicer Nineties Despite the recession a novel published today is likely to make its author a millionaire .
20 But it would be good to see him project a little , and not withdraw into his shell .
21 Good to get your card the other day and to know that you got safely home from , even if concerned by the cost of the visit .
22 Or for a wonderful Christmas treat , spoil yourself with a vintage claret Chateau Lascombes 1986 Grand Cru Classé Margaux ( £18.49 ) from Augustus Barnett , a delectable fruity claret sure to make your meal a memorable occasion .
23 Where there is strong evidence of guilt , defendants given the benefit of the doubt by a jury in a criminal trial will be reluctant to chance their luck a second time by bringing a libel action .
24 Indeed , the deputy head is able to penetrate whatever act the boy plays because ‘ I know you pretty well by now Nick Wragg do n't I ? ’
25 Thankful that , though her ankle was still painful if she put any weight on it , her foot was n't swollen , Luce put on a pair of yellow flat-heeled sandals and , unable to contain her impatience a moment longer , picked up the crutch and headed down the corridor .
26 The Nairacs , now in their eighties , declined to comment , but they 're said to be hopeful that one day they WILL be able to give their son a proper burial .
27 Married to Dick , she would be able to give her grandfather a home , would be free to renew that wonderful sexual experience as often as she wished , and , of course , to have children .
28 To be able to give your mother a better standard of living ? ’
29 Take advantage of any chance for discussion , especially if you are able to give your employer a date in the not too distant future when you realistically expect to be fit enough to resume work .
30 There are too many unknown quantities in the complex equation regarding number of bodies , quantity of fuel , rate of woodland regeneration and time , to be able to calculate what impact the presence of a large cremation cemetery would have had on the landscape .
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