Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Peter Wood relinquished the Chairmanship of RBIC , and RBIS , to Chris Pearson , Director of Private and Offshore Banking and Director , South of England in October 1992 when the rapid growth of Direct Line made greater demands on Peter 's time ; Norman , who had been due to retire at that time , was asked to stay on for two years to see the restructuring process completed .
2 On the autobahn or the test track , this translates into an uncanny ability to accelerate strongly to 140 mph with sufficient in reserve to cruise at that speed for as long as conditions allow .
3 The job of the elder to stand by that child and , and see to its Christian nurture thereafter .
4 The agent subsequently contacted us to advise that the company 's was the highest bid and asked if we would be prepared to proceed at that figure .
5 The price of 36s. has thus some claim to be called the true equilibrium price : because if it were fixed on at the beginning , and adhered to throughout , it would exactly equate demand and supply ( i.e. the amount which buyers were willing to purchase at that price would be just equal to that for which sellers were willing to take that price ) ; and because every dealer who has a perfect knowledge of the circumstances of the market expects that price to be established .
6 I am not prepared to accede to that submission .
7 However , he knows that several countries , including Britain , are willing to help in that process .
8 Are you afraid to sleep in that cottage ?
9 They 've got ta be willing to part with that bit of money .
10 She might not have kissed him , but for the moment he knew he was willing to settle for that message : I love you — I think .
11 ‘ As far as I can see there is only one house that is easier to get at that way than by going through the town , and that is the house on stilts . ’
12 You know these youngsters they were n't prepared to stay on that gate .
13 12.2 Should the Proprietor for any reason whatsoever not prepare and deliver such updating revision and correction within such time as may be reasonably required by the Publisher the Publisher shall be free to employ for that purpose such writer ( or writers ) as it may think fit and to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to such writer(s) from any monies due to the Proprietor for such updates , revisions or corrections .
14 12.2 Should the Company for any reason whatsoever not procure the preparation and delivery of such updating revision and correction within such time as may be reasonably required by the Publisher the Publisher shall be free to employ for that purpose such writer ( or writers ) as it may think fit and to deduct all or part of the remuneration payable to such writer(s) from any monies due to the Company .
15 It 's not that I 'm totally assured that this time round I wo n't be quite so foolish , it 's simply that I know it 's possible to progress to that stage beyond ‘ falling in love ’ — if I do n't opt out as soon as he starts to look less like Prince Charming and more like Mr Very Ordinary and Boring .
16 I ca n't give any guarantee whatsoever that we will , but at least we will try and if that were to meet with your Lordships approval , then er I would be content to go on that basis .
17 She 's both too intelligent and too incompetent to flourish in that setting . ’
18 Diana admits that she was n't easy to handle during that baptism of fire .
19 It is easy to say now that the potential for cellular telephones made it easy to focus on that business .
20 England were no doubt content to settle for that return from their spearhead bowler on such a benign pitch .
21 Nottingham , the holders , outbowled by Cumbria in the quarter-finals , had been fortunate to survive to that stage .
22 This time , Reg Akehurst , who was taken by surprise when Solidasarock won the SGB Chase at Ascot , will be expecting his seven-year-old to improve on that performance in today 's event at Newbury and there is no reason why this promising young chaser should not continue to progress .
23 During this time , attention will be given to the student acquiring the specialist background relevant to the projected research , and to developing the skills appropriate to research in that field .
24 A supporter said yesterday : ‘ What they want is to have somebody they can control , ’ but Mr Field found it impossible to operate on that basis .
25 The moratorium lasts until 1990 and it is quite likely to continue after that date , although minke whales may be hunted again .
26 I should have thought that , in the abstract , no one was likely to quarrel with that statement .
27 Cottages , however , were hard to find on that side .
28 No decision is likely to come from that avenue until New Zealand have had their regular meeting with the Australian officials in the near future .
29 Are you supposed to swear on that thing ?
30 If the earning potential of an asset goes up , people will be likely to switch to that asset from others with a lower earning potential .
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