Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] it [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sun and wind are so free so it makes sense to use them where possible for power .
2 Yeah but you just put this if it says joystick er
3 The Clause was wrong if it meant schools could not have proper and adequate discussion , but if it meant that local authorities should not promote homosexuality then Mr Roberts would support it .
4 First of all we must rid ourselves of the belief that punishment is wrong if it causes pain or inconvenience and does not have the full interest of the criminal at heart .
5 To the historian , this makes it more interesting because it presents hostages to fortune , and there is more to interpret .
6 The rise is particularly interesting because it confounded expectations .
7 Leaving aside the issue of where Mart goes to see his films , the observation is interesting because it directs attention towards one of Hollywood 's generally unnoticed pre-occupations .
8 To answer this question it must be noted that in sociology ( and elsewhere ) a feminist perspective appears to be polemical because it runs counter to the accepted male-oriented viewpoint — a viewpoint which is rarely explicitly articulated .
9 I enjoyed doing this because it took people by surprise .
10 Did Purcell start with this because it needed revision and transposition before it could be published ?
11 This poem is funny because it treats people as if they were second-hand cars for sale .
12 This algorithm is incremental because it creates clusters from the first few data , and these early clusters can be used at once , even though they may be improved during later learning .
13 In the bad old days of low-carbohydrate diets , many people did , indeed , imagine that those saintly ‘ protein foods ’ were calorie-free — I have even known poor souls pouring down vastly fattening cream under the mistaken impression that it was calorie-free because it lacked carbohydrate !
14 Unemployment is harmful because it imposes costs on society .
15 At this stage , he was firmly opposed to federation ; ‘ Federation is harmful because it sanctions segregation and alienation , elevates them to a principle , to a law . ’
16 To some extent the spending was diversionary because it deflected attention from the cuts that were occurring in the orthodox funding mechanisms for current and capital expenditure .
17 During the affluent 80s when it seemed property prices soared higher each day , there was a lot of money to be made in real estate .
18 However , as a rough guide , it feels slightly more Gibson-like than it does Fenderish , if that helps .
19 But the local-tax fudge is dangerous because it concentrates attention on a great dilemma facing Mr Major : how do you lead a party that has just overthrown Margaret Thatcher ?
20 Public prosecutor Andrei Makarov declared afterwards that it had been significant " not so much because it punished Ostashvili , but because it brought to light the forces standing behind this small figure and exposed the fascism which is growing in society " .
21 The concept of ‘ demand ’ is often not appropriate because it implies confrontation , the process is more aptly considered as one of cooperation and persuasion .
22 ( 5 ) Interest is not taxable whether it forms part of a judgment debt or a payment in or a settlement ( Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 , s329 ) .
23 This is particularly intriguing as it incriminates food in the pathogenesis of Crohn 's disease .
24 Problem solving can require ideas as much as it does information .
25 The Church of the Latter Day Saints abhors divorce and abortion as much as it does alcohol and caffeine .
26 I remember he once told me not to move the head too much as it weighs 22lbs .
27 Quite independent of the way higher education may be funded , there is a need for higher education institutions to rethink their role and function just as much as it behoves industry , commerce and the public services .
28 Britain needs chemists as much as it needs doctors and as a result there will be high employment prospects for chemistry graduates in the future .
29 One thing about him that was widely known was the fact that he was a businessman , and so it was as such that he was welcomed ; the party could even claim some credit for being the first to elect a businessman as its leader — much as it claimed credit in 1975 for electing a woman , although Margaret Thatcher had certainly not been chosen for that reason .
30 When this scheme was unveiled , it terrified laymen ( including many Tory MPs ) almost as much as it infuriated doctors .
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