Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 THE Big Apple 's the location for a special programme where inventions are even wackier than here in the UK .
2 ( BBC 1 , 7.30pm ) THE Big Apple 's the location for a special programme where inventions are even wackier than here in the UK .
3 Nevertheless , there is no doubt that Guevarism and other currents of thought have been influential in forcing established Communist parties to rethink their role and recognise the need to be far more responsive than hitherto to the specific circumstances of their own country .
4 The Northern Foods shares are lower than they should be , because the stock market has got it into its head that competition is tougher than ever in the food business .
5 It transpires that the new tenant is Pris , one of the androids Deckard is hunting ( though John does not realise this until later in the story ) The presence of Pris excites him a great deal .
6 The match-guising results were interesting because instead of the typical prestige of the standard language , and the attractiveness of a dia You know a If you did R P and say er Cockney , you 'd probably get people saying that their R P was prestigious but the cockney was sort of more you know y more friendly and more attractive accent .
7 Dear Horace , I think I may be a bit late with this as here in the antipodes , and especially being some way down a circulation list , your column takes some weeks to reach me .
8 " With the ability to adapt itself to the changing requirements of the times , the school still lives , and its reputation stands as high as ever among the inhabitants of Stockport and the surrounding districts , and in educational circles beyond the extended parish of Stockport . "
9 The later play 's music-hall element seems strongest when closest to the more daring Sweeney Agonistes , bringing to this distinctly urban form some of the ironic bite which Brecht and Weill had brought to Berlin stages in 1929 .
10 All this may throw light as well on the diachronic evolution both of the non-past indicative and of the infinitive .
11 It is a conditional influence , the bounds of which are dependent as much on the ability to mobilise and win popular support ( which it clearly did not do immediately after Vietnam , when expenditure on the military fell ) as it is on manufacturing an unholy alliance between numerous competing bureaucratic , industrial and military institutions .
12 The colour flooded her face , then receded , leaving her paler than ever beneath the surface tan .
13 She looked around for somewhere to sit , but the bed looked bigger than ever in the cramped room and his jacket lay discarded on the only chair .
14 In frightening contrast fitzAlan looked tough and completely immovable , and bigger than ever in the confined space of the alehouse .
15 But at least she did not squint and his cast seemed more noticeable than ever in the morning , as if sleeping refreshed it .
16 The national conference which since late 1991 had been planned as the next stage in the democratization process , was on May 8 postponed until later in the year on the grounds that its preparatory commission had not completed its work .
17 The Council agreed to postpone the next full visit from the summer of 1979 until later in the year , and to release a press statement that had been agreed by the visiting party with the Polytechnic and the Teesside Education Authority .
18 It will , of course , seldom happen that after the buyer has had some benefit , the contract is avoided by section 7 because usually by the time the goods are delivered to the buyer risk will have passed to him ; section 7 applies only where the goods perish before the risk passes to the buyer .
19 Ryan Giggs has achieved nearly as much as Best at the same age .
20 He feared that a management buy-out would leave things on the shop floor very much as before with the ‘ them ’ and ‘ us ’ of workers and managers .
21 But I 'm not gon na worry about that until halfway through the week and then I 'll write to them .
22 In general , racist jokes and asides amongst skinheads are no more numerous or self conscious than elsewhere in the broader streams of white working class speech .
23 We are more conscious than ever of the need to take positive steps to promote the full access of girls and women not only to full educational opportunities but also to the whole range of community resources and services , including employment , leisure , housing , social security and the right to property .
24 Their second defeat in four days by a London club means that a quick return to the present Second Division is more likely than ever for the First Division 's bottom team .
25 The application of monoclonal antibody research in medicine is more widespread than just in the treatment of cancer .
26 He seemed larger than ever under the low ceiling , and when he strode out through the street door , the saloon bar seemed quite empty without him .
27 The geographical standpoint in art was basic until well into the 1940s , and I believe that it will be so again .
28 The high point in the ramp 's history has to be the period from 1984 until just before the recent skateboard boom that started around 1986/7 .
29 That can not be compromised in any way so I shall still be as hard as ever in the ring . ’
30 Stafford Cripps continued to stress that such an alliance was made inevitable as much by the policy of the Labour Party as by the growing danger from Nazi Germany .
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