Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] i leave the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had some before I left the hotel .
2 It was dark when I left the farm : about five o'clock on a late December day , the light gone early and the stars beginning to show In a frosty sky .
3 Oh I do n't know actually it it was it was quite dramatic when I left the band because I went into variety you know and er some of those put bands are something else , cos some of the guys were sort of semi pros like just come from the mine shaft you know .
4 and I mean I have done several since I left the Scottish Office as well which is quite good and I thought that I might put Sandy at his ease by telling a couple of amusing incidents that have happened post the Scottish Office days
5 I felt very humbled as I left the conqueror of Everest and the Sherpa 's most vocal mouthpiece still sipping his tea .
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