Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is that where he hangs out , then ? ’
2 She was collecting glasses and plates from all over , slinging the contents in a vile bucket , and Philippa noticed that she was n't particularly careful where she stubbed out the cigarette that dropped a little trail of ash wherever she went .
3 Is n't this where you line up for the tram coming home from work ? ’
4 Another number , ‘ That Would n't Be You ’ , was replaced by ‘ Is This Where I Wake Up ? ’ , sung by Crawford , Diana Quick and the dancers , who included Suzanne Danielle and Jo-Anne Robinson , who subsequently became the star 's secretary and girlfriend .
5 It was never entirely clear where he bedded down at night after he lurched from the pub with various caddying cronies of a like mind .
6 Films such as The Sleeping Tiger ( 1954 ) , where a psychologist 's efforts to reform the mugger he 's picked up off the street are subverted by his own drives and the desires of his wife , The Criminal ( 1960 , The Concrete Jungle in US ) , in which Stanley Baker plays a loner trapped between the violent prison system and the criminal underworld , or The Servant ( 1963 ) , in which butler is pitched against master , focus on tensions in British society much more interesting than anything opened up by Anderson 's contemporaries .
7 Mr Wilkie got ten out of the 12 questions correct , and only got the other two wrong — the size of the £2,000 band and the increase in duty on unleaded petrol — by thinking the Chancellor would be even tougher than he turned out to be .
8 Machines that are considered ‘ out of the way ’ in a corner of the room will be relatively more unsociable if they block off a doorway or interrupt television viewing .
9 You ‘ Il be very glad you did this if you turn up one day to find the river high and murky because if , for example , you know that one swim has a lovely clean gravel bottom and another has half a Morris 1000 and a blackberry bush in it then this may help you decide where to fish and where to stick your mate !
10 At the end of September the group split up ; determined to get away from things English , they now decided to explore different areas , thinking they would learn more German if they gave up each others ' company .
11 Be quicker if we split up . ’
12 The only reason I came in here was that I was on my way into town when your boys called and they said it would be quicker if I came in to see you .
13 This is clear if we look back over the years .
14 But we could n't know this until we sat down and did the calculation .
15 She followed this until it branched off .
16 You can continue like this until you run out of disk space .
17 A tube of Zovirax , which you can get from your doctor or dentist stops the virus dividing and makes each attack less painful until they die out .
18 What would be funny if we meet up
19 It was like he had n't done anything really interesting until he kicked off .
20 ‘ It would be much easier if I went in first and then you could push me up , ’ said Fenella .
21 ‘ It will be easier if you sit down , ’ she suggested , gently feeling for the place where the arrow protruded .
22 Jim Lauderdale is like a neutered Dwight Yoakam , though his tribute to George Jones and Gram , ‘ The King Of Broken Hearts ’ suggests he could be exciting if he loosened up a taste .
23 Germany has big problems with money supply and inflation and is likely to keep borrowing high until they ease off .
24 It is doubtful if you look up the word for baggage retrieval , and then look for a sign with those words .
25 How might life be different if you gave up playing this game ?
26 Anyway , skirt hangers are on springs and it was rather interesting because he came back with a skirt hanger and also a er kitchen roll tube itself , he said I 've got an idea Mr !
27 Upright cabinets are the most popular because they take up less floor space .
28 I am judging by the quality of the management , the leadership and the fact that Strathtay employees — the Hon. Gentleman knows this because it came out in Committee — are having funds deducted from their pay every week to make their contributions to buying the shares .
29 I , I thought it was quite fu erm , funny because I got back to erm the flats this afternoon
30 Wo n't you be afraid while you sit down for your long wait ? ’
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