Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] [vb pp] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before you move on madam chairman may I make a suggestion general approval , presumably we will be erecting a notice board er at the ground er and I would think it would be appropriate having selected the name that we make er erm some statement on the notice board saying the facility was originally provided by Southwell Parish Council .
2 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
3 19 Lord The Lord Ordinary having considered the Petition and proceedings , no Answers having been lodged , Nominates and Appoints to be curator bonis to designed in the Petition with the usual powers and decerns ; authorises the said after finding caution to enter on the duties of his office upon a certified copy of this interlocutor with a schedule of the curatory estate annexed thereto ; and that upon condition that before issue of a certified copy interlocutor of his appointment he shall lodge in the hands of the Accountant of Court a bond binding himself to lodge Accounts annually with the Accountant of Court and otherwise to conduct the affairs of the curatory estate in all respects in conformity with the laws and practice of Scotland ; to appear before the Lords of Council and Session in Scotland to answer for his conduct as curator aforesaid or in connection with any matter arising out of said curatory ; to submit himself to and prorogate the jurisdiction of the Court of Session for said purposes and to assign an address in Scotland where he may be cited , and decerns ( * Finds the expenses of this application and procedure following thereon to form a proper charge upon the curatory estate , and remits the account thereof , when lodged , to the Auditor of Court for taxation ) .
4 And whereas the said late King James the second having abdicated the Government and the throne being thereby vacant .
5 The team left Cambodia on July 26 having secured the remains of six servicemen .
6 because I 'm ab I 'm absolutely convinced having seen the package
7 … it could have no real importance after the visit to Osborne in the course of which Napoleon III having tightened the alliance with England had nothing much to say to the Emperor of Russia , his enemy of the day before yesterday , his friend of yesterday — but not his ally of today , which he might have become had it not been for the recent drawing together of the Courts of the Tuileries and St James .
8 I am making good progress — slow but sure — and have now graduated on to walking sticks , although I feel very wobbly on these having had the crutches for a month .
9 Martin Haycock from Wallingford wearing the light blue as Cambridge cox … led his crew out … they were already celebrating having won the toss
10 At an early meeting of the YCCC with the Middlesboro City Council , the latter having changed the date and place of the meeting several times in order to avoid having to directly face the group on the issues of the campaign , a staff member of Highlander posed as a member of the press and , with video camera in hand , asked questions on the Yellow Creek pollution directly to the Mayor , and filmed the result .
11 The next step in Hocazade 's career was that he was brought to Istanbul from Bursa by Mehmed II to dispute again with Molla Zeyrek , the latter having incurred the sultan 's displeasure by claiming one day in his presence that he — Molla Zeyrek — was superior to the highly revered scholar al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Jurjani ( Seyyid Serif : d. 816/1413 ) .
12 Ann 's had , Merv , John Teresa , Paul and Vi 's all trussing done the rest the of my trussing , I 've done the Char Grill , I 've done Welcome Break , now they 're on the Tesco .
13 The , another point is that that having raised the hopes of the housing associations the council is now actually trying to close a door that that we ourselves opened and this is tantamount to paying lip service to the health and the housing associations , yes , we 'll support you but not if it means that we have to sell you our houses .
14 But he then adds : ‘ I would say just this : that having got the legislation it would be wise to proceed by exemplar , by experiment , by demonstration of success rather than trying to do a root and branch revolutionary approach .
15 He admits that having taken the decision to box again , the regime of the work seems harder , the magnet of other interests and causes in life seems stronger .
16 6 Having completed the movement , the student draws back his leading leg to adopt an attention stance , with his arms already forming a second claw .
17 3 Having estimated the security betas , they then proceeded to construct 10 portfolios in various risk classes ranging from the highest with a value of 1.56 to the lowest with 0.5 .
18 The Head Girl of Malvern Girls ' College and a scientist contemporary represented the Upper VI , and here again they had different backgrounds , one having joined the school from a smaller boarding school for the Vl form , and the other having gone right through at Malvern .
19 The notion of " the other having caused the accident " is presented from two points of view : how it is arrived at ( by the process of guessing ) , which is reminiscent in this respect of find examined above ; and how the notion is judged ( it is considered to be a fact ) , the sense suggested by know .
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