Example sentences of "[adj] [num] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Jackman triumphed 9–2 4–9 6–9 9–2 to reach her first world tour final since losing in the Australian Open to Susan Devoy last August .
2 At its peak in 1792 the LCS had around 800 active members with a further 5,000 attending its divisional meetings from time to time .
3 The top five retained their relative positions , but the top three increased their distance from the pack — Digital Equipment Corp was the only top company to experience a decrease in revenues , which slid from $1bn to $800m .
4 More than 2 million watched their last big show up at Newcastle ; no goals , but what a classic .
5 Do not the figures reveal that those independent oil analysts who , in the early and middle 1980s , forecast a substantial depletion of United Kingdom resources in the early 1990s got it wrong ?
6 The latter survey , while a substantial one , possibly came too soon after the reforms of the early 1980s to detect their full impact .
7 Like all biomorphs , each of these three has its own genetic formula , which determines its unique position in nine-dimensional genetic space .
8 When we make something like these ten steps our daily discipline , we are aiming for it to be a vehicle through which we meet God and learn to love him and listen to him and abide in him .
9 Come on , back to bed and let these two find their own way home . ’
10 These two pioneered their own forms of politics ; and this was indeed creating a revolution in a way that Nehru and Jinnah , despite their involvement in mass politics , did not attain .
11 Er then he , there 's only three houses in the road that he lived in , , the next one along the road came up for auction and he sold his station and moved up to that and he said he 's just bought the one at the end of the road now which is er seven hundred and fifty thousand he paid for it , a hundred and fifty thousand to have it interior decorated .
12 erm I think perhaps we were on erm traffic management generally , you mentioned Howard Street and Magdalen Street , which you all know you know has always been a bone of contention amongst the Conservatives erm they spent two hundred thousand on it and they now want another two hundred and fifty thousand to make it permanent , and so on and so forth .
13 All three passed their first accounting examinations .
14 All three made themselves available for the club committee .
15 All three do their best under Penny Ciniewicz 's rather heavy-handed direction , but they can not beat a first play that has just got too much to say .
16 Schlüter had initially expressed a desire to expand the coalition to include all five traditional centre-right parties , but the Radical Liberals refused to rejoin the coalition and the smaller Centre Democrats ( CD ) and Christian People 's Party ( KrF ) also declined to join , although all three pledged their external support .
17 The 1974 Labour Government produced a White Paper in late 1975 entitled Our Changing Democracy outlining its proposals for devolution .
18 Yeah probably about sixty five expect there some where there in tra and she said she was in the fourth year , did n't she ?
19 Firstly , it seems unreasonable , against nature , and misogynistic to suggest to a young woman that she will have to wait until her late 20s to complete her minimum training and then be able to start a family .
20 Many thousands paid their last respects to Dubcek at his funeral in Bratislava on Nov. 15 .
21 The SystemPro series based on the full 80486 has its own Triflex Architecture , comes with fault-tolerance functions and is priced in Japan at from $14,400 .
22 and he charged him five hundred to jig it all straight , put the new panels and , and spray it all .
23 And if it 's one thirty give him that as well .
24 Viglen has launched the Contender series ; a range of bargain-priced 486s to complement its existing Genie models .
25 Lot a hundred and twenty five thank you another snuff box now showing , Lot one two five for which I have two offered and twenty two fifty , two eighty , three hundred three hundred pounds , any more ?
26 The new catalogue is free from any HSS shop — telephone 0800 28 28 28 to find your nearest branch .
27 three quarters of your gross less two nine one seven and that 's , and then divide it by fifty two to get your weekly benefit .
28 In Edinburgh , he managed to get the Danes back on board by winning agreement from the other 10 to give them special ‘ opt-outs ’ to encourage a yes vote to Maastricht .
29 MOONSHAKE issue a new 45 to follow their acclaimed ‘ Secondhand Clothes ’ , through Too Pure on September 14 .
30 Faint light from the open doors of Five , Lower Six and Upper Six made it possible to see , shedding pale blurry patches on to the corridor floor .
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