Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 McLeish stopped at the door of the interview room and looked in through the spy-hole , wanting to get some feel for the evidently hostile and , by all accounts , neurotic Penelope Huntley .
2 Some arise from the very varied and specialist nature of the authority 's activities , such as child care , major city centre redevelopments , education , housing , planning inquiries , leisure , highways and airports .
3 There are no parish or town councils within London or the major urban centres of other large cities though some exist within the more rural parts of metropolitan districts .
4 Many gardeners plant up colourful tubs , window boxes and baskets for the summer , but few arrange for a similarly splendid winter and spring display .
5 The results presented here describe the identification from tenascin coding cDNA of a new alternatively spliced exon sequence encoding a single 92 amino acid type III repeat between the previously identified tenth and eleventh type III repeats .
6 Chapters one to six recapitulate in a more explicitly dogmatic form the implications of his treatment of the image of sin in Scale 1 .
7 This results in a particularly dramatic decrease for categories 38 , 39 and 44 , these correspond to the most common potential scenario statements : ‘ If the car ahead braked suddenly … ’ ,
8 The need for further study of this confused period is clearly indicated , but the statements of Ibn Hajar ( and al-Makrizi ) and of the earliest chronological list and the document indicating Molla Fenari 's presence in Karaman in Jumada II 819/August 1416 provide at the least a consistent basis for explaining the reason for , and establishing the date of , Molla Fenari 's return ; and it may therefore be tentatively concluded that Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands some time in , or shortly alter , Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 .
9 There are always internal constraints on any kind of notational or visual-symbolic signifying system , since these depend on an absolutely or relatively complete possession of the relevant ( social as technical ) systematic information .
10 These range from an almost Piagetian pattern of stages of aesthetic development ( Parsons , 1976 ; Parsons et al , 1978 ; Parsons and Johnston , 1986 ) to a more formal structuring of the process of criticism ( Smith , 1968 ) .
11 These vary from the very pleasant amble to the Moorsee , to more testing hikes into the Wilder Kaiser mountain range .
12 Why I asked your husband if we could all three meet for a little when I got you home . ’
13 Presumably they all have accommodation costs , for example , and if these amount to a little over £26 a week ( including council tax ) , then the first and fourth examples would qualify for civil legal aid without payment of any contribution .
14 ( b ) They all operate on a very broad restriction against acting for clients who can afford to pay solicitors ’ fees .
15 Thirdly , the expansion of subject matters of legitimate international concern to include , inter alia , economic development , environmental and conservation interests , the regulation of the allocation of resources , and human rights all weigh against a strictly bilateral framework .
16 On their pumping new single , ‘ Gold ’ , which is bizarrely reminiscent of New Order circa 1984 , East 17 go for the sneeringly philosophical angle , insisting that ‘ life is worth more than gold ’ .
17 All agree on the highly derived nature of the teeth , and it is the postcranial adaptations that are of particular interest , for Oreopithecus shares with living hominoids a number of apparent postcranial synapomorphies .
18 Nevertheless , the gap between movements of this kind ( which have sometimes been called ‘ pre-political ’ ) and modern social movements remains large , for the latter exist on a vastly greater scale , are more directly involved in political conflict , are influenced by more rigorous and elaborate ideologies , and have as a rule a more enduring , less ephemeral , character .
19 All nine species of gibbon are endangered because all live in the rapidly disappearing rainforests of South-east Asia .
20 There was a great deal of anger and frustration at what many regard as a seriously over-elaborate system of government , administration and decision-making .
21 In retrospect , the ending at this point of the long preponderance of Western Europe ( that is to say , Italy , France , southern Germany , Belgium and Spain ) — a preponderance common to the pre-conciliar Church , the Council and even the pontificate of Paul VI — in the affairs of Catholicism and its replacement by a far wider range of geographical influences , may appear as far more significant than any shift from the mildly liberal to the neo-conservative .
22 T n tracts of T 9 GCA 9 persist for a relatively long time adds further weight to the suggestion that these are caused by ligand-induced alterations in local DNA structure , rendering it more susceptible to attack by this nuclease .
23 A leading Israeli journalist was soon to ascribe that misjudgment to the ‘ historic blindness ’ that has always bedevilled Israeli governments and public , ensuring that developments which , to outsiders , might seem all but pre-ordained come as a very disagreeable shock to them .
24 But before the two adapt to a slightly changed but often more fully satisfying sex life , there can be temporary hitches .
25 Shirley Hughes 's The Big Alfie Out of Doors Storybook ( TS403 — one cassette ; 33 minutes ) read by Thora Hird is a lovely listen for the very young and more than tolerable for their elders .
26 Most opt for the more mundane pursuits as their peers abandon their grand schemes and resign themselves to working in an office , a factory , a building site , or taking a cushioning three years in tertiary education .
27 In the Janacek second string quartet Intimate Letters that followed they really cracked the idiom , playing with a perceptive feel for the uniquely arhythmic phrasing that echoes that of the Czech language .
28 BOTH these books deal with the question of whether low-level exposure to lead has important effects on behaviour and intelligence , and both come to a rather positive conclusion .
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