Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To celebrate the occasion , they were given an emotional send off by the bus drivers who 've spent the last three years transporting them to and from home .
2 This has had major impacts on occupational structure and the social make up of the town , on lifestyles , culture and politics .
3 The troops , expecting to be ‘ home by Christmas ’ after a few gallant cavalry charges , held an impressive open air church parade in the Recreation Field and in late August the town gave a lively send off to a detachment of the ‘ Kings Own ’ .
4 They were piled haphazardly , some put back in the wrong sleeves , and were mainly recordings of Italian opera .
5 Additionally if in relation to the gift the donee seeks to get some benefit over to the donor the transaction may be caught by the associated operations provisions contained in FA 1986 , Sched 20 , para 6(1) ( c ) .
6 In keeping with their true natures , some look out for a dealer who has passed it , and beg him to sit it again , for them .
7 Do you want another lie down on the settee ?
8 Some predict up to a five per cent average rise by the end of the year .
9 And modern salinometers will automatically compensate for the temperature and pressure and do this conversion so you can get a direct read out from an electrical instrument of the salinity .
10 OF THE OTHER NEW ‘ JAPANESE ’ SAVOY titles , a few stand out from the crowd .
11 Three days before you go away make sure you do a proper clean up of the tank .
12 The estimated savings are based on the claimant being 22 weeks off the register , but again some stay off for a year , and some return much sooner .
13 All that 's , you see there 's , there 's a few comes at the , even at the present moment , there 's some come down from every year .
14 The theory is that data from the vast bulk of incoming faxes is later inputted in some form back into the computer .
15 He 's wirily built , not tall : large feet in huge old leather boots , and here , as later on the steep pull up onto the Crazy Pinnacle , he climbs with a deft , urgent economy .
16 Course it 's worth bothering because a lot of young men that was unemployed come down to the school where I 'm the caretaker and they said , we know that you 're running short is there any chance of getting in on the scene ?
17 The usual sail up in the " Columba. " the story is absurdly long already . "
18 In one house a family of six sit down to a meal , using three-legged chairs and chunks of masonry for seats .
19 A FRESH wave of confidence swept through the market yesterday and boosted the FT-SE 100 Index back through the psychological 2,700 level .
20 Or if it 's gon na occur but it seems to me it would , or sounds like it would be a simple let in to the
21 If this annual clear up round the farm did n't take place , we should be in a hell of a mess by now .
22 7 Turn on to a serving dish and remove the cling film .
23 So the next morning , they ran down to the fence and watched the 9.15 come out of the tunnel .
24 A colonic mucosal biopsy obtained at endoscopic follow up from a non-inflammatory bowel disease patient with a colonic polyp was also positive for M paratuberculosis .
25 So I might be showing myself doing worst than I should be but , look , my actual come out about the same and so when I compare my actual with my planned , I get er , an answer which should approach one .
26 The 1986 and 1987 figures show a rapid pick up for the larger firms in particular .
27 These branch off from the main artery , called the aorta , and then divide into lots of smaller branches which are all over the surface of the heart .
28 The chapter will therefore end by taking a look at recent and forthcoming developments in manufacturing to see how these fit in with the idea of generic strategies and their implications for accounting — i.e. not just now , but for the foreseeable future .
29 From his discovery things had followed an inexorable path , like the water 's tight spiral down into the whirlpool 's mouth .
30 These fumble about in the sand or mud , particles adhere to them and the sea cucumber slowly curls them back into its mouth to suck them clean with its fleshy lips .
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