Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He rejects comparisons with American-style ‘ workfare ’ programmes , where the unemployed lose entitlement to state benefits if they refuse community service jobs .
2 Some provide material on disk , which is a great help as it saves having to retype or scan the text .
3 For further discussion on this see Personality on page 127 and Learning from experience on page 100 .
4 Factors for this include improvement in user interfaces , application development support tools , and better Japanisation and support .
5 Some have difficulty in writing and spelling .
6 In the third year of life 40 per cent of children who are still wet achieve dryness at night .
7 For example , both Oct-1 and Oct-2 stimulate initiation of adenovirus DNA replication in vitro via the POU domain ( 27,43 ) .
8 Clause 94 and schedule 7 make provision for capping .
9 As regards the argument of international recognition and recognition by the United Nations , though this does not as such involve control of territory or a population , it does correspond to one aspect of statehood .
10 Apart from the potential loss of economic activity from more peripheral areas , it is not necessarily the case that such further concentration in core regional economies should be viewed as in any way desirable .
11 A party seeking to recover his property , which may be held , for example , by someone who has done work on it , will have first to issue proceedings , and if it appears that a lien arises , the court may order that the party seeking to recover may pay into court , to abide the event , the amount in respect of which the security is claimed together with such further sum by way of interest and costs as the court directs , and upon such payment , the property be given up .
12 Of the Tory Euro-rebels , 26 put principle before party and voted against the Government .
13 A 52 year old man suffered a variceal bleed secondary to posthepatitis C cirrhosis .
14 Hundreds join plea for peace
15 These provide advice on access to and progression from each of the new awards , and on designing and running cross-module assessment .
16 These vary case by case but typical headings include :
17 There are long sightlines and high lamp posts , but these give way after rebuilding ( Figure 6.4 ) to pedestrian-scale poles , a tree planted in the road as a slowing device ( marked by reflective posts to aid night visibility ) and changes in paving colours to break up the long vista .
18 Normally a modest stream , it occasionally becomes a torrent after a downpour and , when held up by a high tide-can give rise to flooding in the lower part of the town as , spectacularly , in 1914 and 1935 .
19 ( Guttiferae ) in the understorey of Malesian forests : these set seed without pseudogamy .
20 Unit Three join seal off east end … suspect is armed an' dangerous … move in now ! ’
21 These work hand in hand to provide the principles of English law which are applied in the courts .
22 These include mimicry of dolphin swimming patterns , showing feelings and spontaneous behaviour , responding to their signature whistles by talking back through snorkels , making eye contact , and responding to their gestures .
23 These include lack of co-ordination , volatility in aid flows , the serving of the national interest of donors ( particularly through its tying to national suppliers ) , ineffective evaluation , and the assumption of greater wisdom .
24 The common features of a course for future accountants , managers , bankers and teachers are to be found in the educational purposes of the academic study of literatures and languages — and where these include study of language it must still be in terms of common interests and not the sectional approach of linguistics for language teachers .
25 Factors other than hypergastrinaemia may influence gastric endocrine cell populations , these include age in man and female sex , which , in the rat , seems to promote ECL cell proliferation and carcinoid development .
26 These need care in use and the instructions for both the descaler and shower should be followed carefully .
27 These encompass information on surface fractures obtained by remote-sensing satellites : details of rocks perhaps 2 km beneath the surface obtained by drilling bore holes ; and anomalies in the Earth 's magnetic field and gravitational force that are measured in instruments on board aeroplanes .
28 Many seek employment in matchbox manufacture , in working with textiles in stone breaking , in ship building , metal working and in paper manufacture .
29 Our experimental findings show how the subjects were working through these : in the first repetition , ( a ) was attempted rather amateurishly and ( b ) invoked by relatively few ; in the second repetition , many were beginning to apply ( a ) successively ( many put output in period eight equal to 250 which is where marginal cost equals expected price ) , many more were applying ( b ) and a sizeable number ( enough to effect our regression and probit results ) were invoking both ( c ) and ( d ) , though understandably the ( c ) effects were more pronounced .
30 Agents blocking the release or effects of ROM , for example , xanthine oxidase inhibitors , superoxide dismutase or its mimetic WR 2721 , catalase , the glutathione peroxidase mimetic PZ 51 , dimethyl sulphoxide , and desferrioxamine ( Figure ) , all decrease inflammation in animal or intestinal cell culture models of colitis , and uncontrolled studies show promise for the use of allopurinol in pouchitis and superoxide dismutase injections in refractory Crohn 's disease .
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