Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( 3 ) The purchaser may consider that given the financial standing of the vendor there would be little prospect of recovery from the vendor for undisclosed liabilities of the company even if the purchaser were to succeed with a warranty claim against the vendor .
2 We therefore argued that given the radical nature of women acting as independent agents , action which still flies in the face of dominant ideologies and which challenges the nature of the family , it is astonishing how much progress women have made in this period .
3 He said that given the expressed interest of all political parties in attracting more women candidates , the research might also inform party policy and practice in this area .
4 If it is argued on the basis of this reply that even a maniac is not beyond redemption and that given the right kind of treatment he might be able to take his place again within society , the argument only serves to show the different moral considerations that can be brought to bear on situations of moral dilemma .
5 In the surgical specialties the problem of allocating time to research is particularly acute given the long apprenticeship necessary to learn technical skills .
6 You 've each won the first prize in our June competition of a Rohan Shearwater Gore-Tex jacket and pair of the company 's famous walking trousers , Rohan bags .
7 So whilst I 'm not seeking to change the the the Greater York I E within the greenbelt requirement as we now define it , the the supply side of the equation is bound to change because the commitments figures will be different given the revised area of analysis .
8 This could either indicate that online services are failing to be useful , which is doubtful given the significant use that planners make of them , or that the online services have not lived up to the planners ' expectations .
9 Well when you 're a waitress and you mix you know with all sorts and you hear different people talking and what they did and what they did n't do you now and some had Doctor pills at that time in the nineteen thirties and some used the Indian bark .
10 we just half talked the other day about holidays , er , a , I do n't suppose you 're going are ya ?
11 The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act passed in 1985 mandated the federal government to balance the budget by 1991 and allowed for the sequestration of funds if President and Congress failed to reach agreement .
12 These are the best teams in Wales and as such given the best chance — better , for sure , than Wales — of upsetting the New Zealanders .
13 Histadrut ( trades union ) leaders announced that the signing of a new national wage agreement with manufacturers and public-sector employees would be virtually impossible given the new plan 's effective erosion of the wage-price-index link .
14 No one was permitted to build outside the city wall — indeed it would have been more or less impossible given the sheer drop to the plain — and as a result the ever-industrious Kinsani merchants had expanded in directions which were not forbidden by the law .
15 The definition itself is arguable given the peculiar form of intelligence required for membership .
16 He would have much preferred the hysterical crying , the accusations of lack of love for her to that .
17 Eventually , however , the London and South-Western accommodated the imperial will by building her a private station at Wandsworth Road in 1854 .
18 Popular Front leaders also protested before the elections that the conditions were unfair given the continuing state of emergency in Baku ( the capital ) , where outdoor rallies remained banned and meetings of more than 100 people needed approval by the military authorities .
19 B R says such rises were inevitable given the present state of its finances .
20 The fact that the problem recurs is inevitable given the constant shadowing and articulation .
21 There is a real danger that the kind of compulsive behaviour described by Neil Frude and others will become much more widespread given the massive increase in personal computing unless we alter our image of the subject and give the social skills necessary greater emphasis . .
22 There was general agreement that , although he never led Surrey to the title , their placings of second , third , fourth , third and second between 1921 and 1925 were little short of miraculous given the glorious lopsidedness of the team — brilliant batting ( led by Hobbs ) totally unmatched by workaday bowling .
23 Of greater moment , it was to precious substances that men turned for currency , since by definition these possessed the prime quality of acceptability .
24 The heavy mouth , the yellow skin , the cruel eyes — these told the real story .
25 Acts of Parliament were obtained in 1896 to authorise the construction of sewers down the length of its valley and these relieved the overburdened river of much of its unpleasantness .
26 To meet these needs , most excavations were concentrated on burial mounds , as these offered the best chance of recovering complete objects worthy of display ; in the early and mid 19th century , the recovery of objects was the primary reason for excavation .
27 One of these entered the popular literature and is still repeated by journalists , despite the fact that Hugh McClean , who , in admitting his part in the Shankill UVF killings , is supposed to have said : ‘ I am terribly sorry I ever heard of that man Paisley or decided to follow him ’ , later denied making such a statement to the police .
28 In part , these acknowledged the continuing difficulty in establishing whale populations .
29 The result of these indicated the ongoing commitment by regional office and site staff with all regions returning either a very small number of minor non-conformances or none at all .
30 and all my beautifully arranged slides all arranged the right way up and all in the right order all tipped all over the floor .
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