Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] [adv prt] by the " in BNC.

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1 Tom , who worked for the British Caprotti poppet valve-gear manufacturers , Associated Locomotive Equipment Ltd , was instrumental , not only in the original design of 71000 , but also in the rebuilt carried out by the Trust .
2 Any clinical examination required will be similar to that carried out by the ordinary GP .
3 The seminal work of such type was that carried out by the Italian psychiatrist , Lombroso , who set out to demonstrate the pathological nature of genius , quoting examples as varied as Julius Caesar , Mohammed , Newton , Rousseau , and Schopenhauer .
4 Recent surveys including that carried out by the Linguistic Minorities Project 1985 have revealed the extent to which Britain is multilingual .
5 In the case of the UK these figures are supported by surveys such as that carried out by the Inner London Education Authority which showed that over 22% of the children it its schools spoke a language other than , or in addition to , English at home .
6 In the UK the most familiar redistributive budget study is that carried out by the Central Statistical Office and published as Economic Trends .
7 Then once this morning Fred 's bum was on his blanket and Windy curled up by the side of him .
8 Issuance of Treasury bills therefore amounted to only £100 million per week , with the largest part of this taken up by the banking sector .
9 It swiftly transpired that the document handed to the fathers for discussion was not that drawn up by the Preparatory Commission , but one revised by members of the Commission who were also members of the curia .
10 It was all taken up by the top brass you know .
11 He was not at all put off by the possibility that his alternative ‘ may well be even more cruel ’ .
12 Bruin many years later became the CO of No 84 Squadron in Greece — that is before we were all thrown out by the Germans and , let me say at this stage , aided and abetted by a rather unmentionable faction of Greek insurgence .
13 All capped off by the horrendous own goal .
14 Elected people will no longer have an influence on local further education ; instead , the position will be similar to that set up by the Secretary of State for Health , where appointed quangos are in control .
15 The Research Councils , through the Advisory Board for the Research Councils ( ABRC ) have commissioned a number of studies of research policy , in order to determine the best measures for the objective assessment of research productivity , and those carried out by the Science Policy Research Unit ( SPRU ) at Sussex University have been fundamental in reviewing existing measures , and suggesting new indicators which may be used singly or in combination .
16 Reforms , like those carried out by the Younger Pitt , were impressive in their own terms but could do little to diminish the greater role of the Excise .
17 Canals did not create new towns ; those built up by the railway companies , such as Swindon , Crewe or Eastleigh , being concerned with the building of locomotives and rolling stock , had no parallel .
18 There are some significant differences however : the Tate magazine will be published by the architectural monograph publishers and publishers of Blueprint , Wordsearch , who will make the financial commitment to the project , aiming to sell a steep 25,000 copies each issue including the copies sent to the 8,000 Friends of the Tate and those bought in by the gallery ; the Royal Academy Magazine is published ‘ in-house ’ and supports itself through its advertising revenue , capitalising on the fact that it has a guaranteed audience of 67,000 Friends .
19 Nor can an incomplete job description fulfil such requirements of good planning as those laid down by the two post-1988 Act teams on management ( DES 1989e , 1990a ) .
20 Formal groups were those set up by the management of an organization to undertake duties in the pursuit of organization goals .
21 Thus microclimate effects can have major short-term implications for local populations ( such as those brought about by the photochemical smogs of Los Angeles ) , are often applicable only over areas of a few hectares or less and may operate on a diurnal cycle .
22 Whatever the economic benefit , the political repercussions of steps such as de-collectivisation would be far more unsettling than those brought about by the limited de-Stalinisation of the 1950s .
23 He was one of the seven magnates whose confederation in April 1258 began the revolution ; he was one of the baronial twelve who were to draw up the plans of reform ; and he was one of the council of fifteen set up by the Provisions of Oxford to govern England in the king 's name .
24 He was at first driven out by the duces , Berhthun and Andhun , but it was not long before he attacked again and slew King Aethelwealh ( HE IV , 15 ) .
25 The key factor for Freud is the prohibition on sexual desire , first set up by the father in the primal horde .
26 The two clubs are the first set up by the recreation support unit of Darlington Borough Council .
27 It is important to realise that serious books of this kind , which form the backbone of the libraries and were first laid down by the Victorians , are most often those which are not taken out or ‘ issued ’ at all .
28 The town centre , west of the Windrush river , was first laid out by the Bishop of Winchester in the early 13th. century , and is considered to be a fine example of medieval town planning .
29 Half of the extra cash will be forthcoming only if projects of sufficient quality to take up the whole £2 million come in by the next deadline for grants on 1 April .
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