Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
2 This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material .
3 The Financial Times of Sept. 22 reported that pro-Chinese associations had won 12 of the 16 elective seats .
4 The US negotiating team , led by Max Kampelman until his retirement in December , had on Oct. 30 proposed that anti-missile tests in space be permitted but that a limit be placed on their scope , with a specific assurance that the USA would limit to 15 the number of satellites deployed in a Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI , or " Star Wars'-see p. 36760 ) test .
5 A French government report released on July 2 showed that foreign orders for French weapons had soared by 70 per cent in 1990 to F33,400 million ( US$5,400 million ) , largely because of the Gulf war .
6 Reports on April 30 confirmed that allied forces had expanded their military presence 30 km east of Zakho towards the Turkish border .
7 This showed that deaf school-leavers , educated orally , had an average reading age of eight and three quarters and that only about ten per cent of their speech was intelligible to a hearing person .
8 This meant that new buildings would often incorporate , for example , safety-oriented features such as computer-controlled fire alarm and sprinkler systems which not only reduced the risk of fire but , when fire did break out , ensured it was containable until the emergency services arrived .
9 This meant that criminal laws were clarified and in some countries codified , as both Beccaria and Bentham advocated , but leaving a greater degree of flexibility and judicial discretion than either would have found congenial .
10 This meant that reserve assets had to be at least 12½ per cent of eligible liabilities .
11 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
12 None of this meant that American companies were no longer interested in financing British filmmakers or even British ideas , but they were no longer committed to doing so , and did n't expect to be sufficiently involved to justify keeping offices in London .
13 Thucydides wanted to give a wholly reliable account of the wars between Athens and Sparta ; and this meant that unverified assumptions about the past had to be excluded . ’
14 The scientists were being cautious and so were the civil servants ; this meant that British politicians could happily continue to struggle over familiar issues until 1988 when a devastating drought enabled scientists in the USA to get the ear of the Senate and pour into it a story sufficiently sensational to alarm the rest of the Western world .
15 As the fashionable trade came in so more thought had to be given to subject-matter and to technique and in America this meant that short films had to be replaced or shown in conjunction with multiple-reel films as already pioneered by European film-makers .
16 In particular , the rapid ossification of the Soviet hardline position in the East and the Cold War division which resulted from this meant that clear decisions had to be taken .
17 This said that Soviet historians had recently discovered documents revealing that in April-May 1940 all but 394 inmates of the three camps had been turned over to NKVD administrations in Smolensk , Voroshilovgrad and Kalinin , and had been " never again mentioned in NKVD statistical accounts " .
18 A joint CRN-CCAOD communiqué broadcast on March 30 said that free elections at municipal , legislative and presidential level would be held before Jan. 1 , 1992 , and that the army would return to barracks on Jan. 20 .
19 The Guardian of Feb. 12 said that Kuwaiti refugees arriving in al-Ruweishid , Jordan , had confirmed an outbreak of cholera and worsening food shortages .
20 This suggested that certain foods , especially greens , contained a ‘ gizzard antierosion factor ’ .
21 This ensured that Canadian stations always differed in appearance from the ‘ Dominion ’ styles adopted in Australia , New Zealand , and even South Africa .
22 This ensured that individual diamonds of any size were liable to have long and sometimes dramatic histories , reflecting at times the rise and fall of empires or the end of dynasties .
23 To increase foreign investment the government in March 1991 announced that foreign firms would be permitted to repatriate all profits , but that only firms investing more than $2,800,000 would be permitted to retain the three-year tax exemption previously enjoyed by all foreign firms .
24 The second meant that local authorities became heavily involved in researching into the numbers of disabled and attempting to assess their needs , and the public became much more aware of the whole problem of disability .
25 The economic embargo imposed by Baghdad in October 1991 meant that local administrators , other state employees and pensioners no longer received their remunerations and the food supply situation became critical [ see also pp. 38548 ; 38598 ] .
26 A count made in 1971 showed that one-parent families on supplementary benefit amounted to two-thirds of all the unmarried mothers , more than half the separated mothers , one-third of the divorced and one-fifth of the widows in this country .
27 However , the Financial Times of Oct. 21 reported that Western companies " are likely to remain sceptical … since they are still owed millions of dollars for products delivered to North Korea two decades ago " .
28 The parade of Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA managers should finally be concluded , says a report in La Repubblica , after the Milan judges interrogated Antonio Garrani , Daniele Mosca and Carlo Lombardoni last week : the three confirmed that other bribes for the supply of computers were paid to the Ministry of Justice through the administrator of a quasi-governmental agency .
29 The League of Nations mandate under which Britain held Tanganyika after 1920 decreed that native interests should come first .
30 The meeting of 1950 agreed that future meetings should be held in Yorkshire , and the earlier amendment of 1920 allowing it to take place in Lancashire ( as there were so few archery clubs in the north ) be rescinded .
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