Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite this , an intrepid few made it from the continent , including examples from France , Holland , although the star of the event was from much further afield — half-way around the world .
2 Only 40% thought that there will be a united Ireland one day but few expected it in the short term — 16% expected it to come about in 25 years , 13% in 50 years and 11% in 100 years .
3 Mercury was believed to possess magical properties and some regarded it as the quintessence of the human body and of all substances .
4 The Midland kept its own account at the Bank and used the Bank 's notes instead of its own ; this protected it against the effects of Sir Robert Peel 's clampdown on note issuing in 1844 .
5 Most writer were left a little bemused by the change and few viewed it with the clarity of Lorraine Edwards in the Nottingham Evening Post .
6 Some saw it as the beginning of the end of Nazism , which had again almost ‘ run itself to death with victories ’ .
7 The castle changed hands many times during the Scottish Wars of Independence and remained a thorn in the crown until James V sacked it in the sixteenth century ; but before the level of the loch was raised in the 1930s ,
8 Still , three guides out of three made it to the col between the two summits , and two out of three to the summit itself , while only one client out of 15 was present .
9 Neil , Andy and Alyson all made it to the semi-final , but only Alyson made it through to the final , where she came fourth and received a medal for her achievement .
10 this morning when , where we all watched it for the first time together and as , as Richard said you know , I 'm , I 'm squeamish about going to the dentist , so , and it cos er , it 's basically there 's a scene in the bar where they 're pulling this guy 's tooth out
11 I suppose also the that the slang term was confined to the esoteric vocabulary of sailors for a hundred years , until the rise of the boffins in World War II brought it to the attention of the general public .
12 We all saw it in the newspaper and there is great public concern .
13 TV Times joined Woman , Womans Own , Farmers Weekly , Family Circle and Country Life when Reed International bought it from the ITV companies .
14 But a debt mountain of £1.4 billion brought it to the brink of collapse late last year .
15 United won it in the second half .
16 Both could have done with outboard motors , since neither managed it into the top eight .
17 When I first got it in the I was a bit , well it do n't sound too hard , bit down hard , but then again they were in a rush , I said there 's your present and I gave it to them , and they unwrapped it and me mum says oh come on we 'll be late for the club , cos they were getting free drinks at the pub , oh she , she did n't even want to look at it , I said oh , and she looked at it
18 ‘ What I regret is that we did n't force the bank into this situation 15 months ago when we first approached it over the demerger .
19 This is called Reynaud 's Phenomenon , after the French doctor who first described it in the thesis for his medical degree in 1862 .
20 I first noticed it in the army when music was compulsory . ’
21 The Dents owned the very first car in Baldersdale and that created quite a stir I remember being at school when they first drove it round the place and the teacher brought us all out on to the road to have a closer look at this amazing thing .
22 I remember also the reaction of one or two of Ben 's older contemporaries , Constant Lambert and Patrick Hadley , who were particularly touched by this quartet when they first heard it at the dress rehearsal .
23 ‘ When I first saw it in the distance , dominating the surrounding countryside , looking so magnificent , it reminded me of the Acropolis . ’
24 A pretty unfinished item too when they first dusted it from the vaults , I would imagine , judging by the amount of reconstruction that 's evidently gone into it .
25 But despite the appalling conditions , most crews stayed the course and out of 72 rafts competing , 59 made it to the finish at Chepstow .
26 Having discounted that source , Allen next heard it from the horse 's mouth .
27 My impression is that the cocoa from Traidcraft is very much the same price , as when I last bought it from the supermarket when you first started stocking
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