Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [vb pp] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This had survived the worst the Luftwaffe could do , but was no match for ‘ comprehensive redevelopment ’ .
2 This had included the increased use of " Sparrow units " — groups of urban guerrillas who targeted key officials and US military personnel for assassination .
3 According to Mao this had allowed the wrong people to enter therefore in order to advance with reform purification of the Party was necessary .
4 The Pawnbrokers Act of 1872 had raised the annual interest chargeable to 25 per cent — a halfpenny a month for every 2s. lent on loans under £2 .
5 In his opinion , the British had supported the fifth freedom before 18 November and then refused to accept it .
6 ( The British had cornered the khaki-drill market for the Boer war . )
7 A doctor of historical sciences and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences , Yakovlev ( an exchange student at Columbia University in the late 1950s ) had come to Gorbachev 's attention while ambassador to Canada and from 1983 to 1985 had directed the important Institute of the World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences .
8 Some had made the original policy an enthusiastic part of their provision .
9 Some had chased the German two-seater all the way back to its own territory , furious at this interference by the military in their air war .
10 The Mikoyan Mig-25 had established the all-time altitude record of just under 120,000 feet .
11 In anticipation of the agreement with its commercial bank creditors , IMF on March 31 approved a credit under an extended arrangement for Argentina , authorizing drawing of SDR2,149,250,000 ( about US$2,948 million ) over the next three years , in support of the government 's economic and financial reform programme which in 1991 had reduced the annual inflation rate from 1,445 per cent to 84 per cent .
12 The task of setting the budget had been passed on Dec. 27 by the USSR Congress of People 's Deputies to the Federation Council , after the Russian Federation Supreme Soviet on Dec. 26 had thrown the budget-setting exercise into crisis by voting to cut its contribution to the union budget by almost 85 per cent , to 23,400 million roubles ( US$1.00=Rbs0.5556 as at Dec. 31 , 1990 ) .
13 During the period of Chinese disunity the Japanese had supported the powerful warlord , Zhang Zuolin , who ruled Manchuria as his private province for much of the 1920s , but Zhang 's position , like that of the other warlords , began to come under threat from the rise of the Nationalist movement under Chiang Kai-shek ( Zhiang Jishe ) .
14 Sabine had expected the civil ceremony conducted by the mayor to be a formal , rather bureaucratic business , but it was very much a family affair , celebrated among neighbours who had known the bride and groom since birth .
15 In 1184 , fourteen years before Innocent 's accession , Lucius III had issued the first curial pronouncement on heresy in the decree " Ad abolendam heresam " .
16 The currency reform of 1924 had introduced the new Polish zloty , tied to the newly created central Bank Polski , but a stable currency was maintained only at terrible social and political cost .
17 They strenuously advised business people and others to support the Conservative party , which since 1979 had promoted the new British spirit of enterprise and attracted £2bn worth of overseas investment to the region .
18 Henry III 's rapprochement with Louis IX between 1254 and 1259 had brought the two courts into a closer relationship , while the diplomatic and juridical presence at Paris which it necessitated thereafter strengthened English connections with northern France .
19 Three of them had been detained by UNIFIL , but the other three had seized the 14 hostages .
20 The struggles in the West Indies in the 1690s were probably less devastating than those of the 1660s , and the French missed a chance to press home an attack on Jamaica when it was at its most vulnerable , just after the great earthquake of 1692 had destroyed the original capital of Port Royal .
21 Where this gas had combined with the monsoon rains it had produced weak solutions of sulphuric acid and these had etched the exposed architectural surfaces to a dead white .
22 The news agency Tanjug on July 4 reported an 86 per cent turnout of the population in Serbia itself ( i.e. excluding the two autonomous provinces , Kosovo and Vojvodina ) , and the authorities subsequently claimed that 96.8 per cent of these had supported the constitutional proposal .
23 How magically her love for the boys had developed into , contrasted with , reinforced her different but equally powerful passion for her daughters : how strange but inevitable had appeared the five-pointed constellation of their heroic family .
24 By 1987 the SLG had been redefined as the Curriculum Review Group ( CRG ) and during 1984–5 had reviewed the 14–16 Curriculum to make it more accessible to all , and in particular to reduce gender and class disadvantages and increase its coherence .
25 The Polytechnic 's case for retaining teacher education was based on four main arguments : that it was the only public sector institution of higher education in the Principality which provided the full integration of teacher education with the remainder of the higher education system ; that the proposals would leave the largest education authority in Wales employing the largest number of teachers , without involvement in teacher education ; that the Polytechnic had already stopped recruiting for the Certificate of Education course , in line with the DES policy of seeking an all-graduate profession , and in September 1976 had attracted the largest number of teacher-training students with a minimum of two GCE A levels in the Principality ; and that the Polytechnic was being called upon to make a disproportionate sacrifice because it would have to drop its Dip.HE/BEd. programme which was a basic component of a newly developed integrated system of degree courses .
26 The US wish to rearm Germany in September 1950 had put the French policy of controlling Germany through European institutions at risk almost as soon as the Schuman Plan was launched .
27 It was pointed out in Slovakia that the first documents issued in the name of the state at its inception in 1918 had used the hyphenated form , and thousands of Slovaks demonstrated in Bratislava , the Slovak capital , on March 30 against the omission of the hyphen .
28 It was he who in 1913 had told the Military Governor of Lille , General Lebas , that he would have ‘ nothing to do ’ with fortified strongholds .
29 By November 1934 the conciliatory attitude of the Communist International had caused the Labour and Socialist International to modify its earlier warning against entering into United Front agreements with national Communist Parties .
30 Russia , which in January 1992 had assumed the special guest status enjoyed by the former Soviet Union , on May 7 applied for full membership of the Council .
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