Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [v-ing] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
2 In a thousand remote little farmhouses and cottages , islanded beneath wind-shriven willows or leaning poplars , the racing floods covered the black fields , overflowed the straight dykes … and leaping upon those lonely homes with all the relentless force of wind and gales , burst open the doors , shattered the ground floor windows … and rushed gurgling and swirling up the narrow staircase .
3 He must have been crouched behind a bank of snow watching him all the time as he came struggling and panting up the long slope .
4 No , I know what it is , it 's all our knitting machines sending their radio messages to one another and clogging up the air waves .
5 Kidnapping the whole cage was impossible and knocking out the Headmaster and all the teachers would be difficult .
6 He walked all over Lyne picking up blocks of red sandstone ashlar and pointing out the old grooves and cramp-holes .
7 No more being shy and going up the high one .
8 She wandered back to the dressing-table and stood fiddling and picking over every little object on it .
9 Bouncing and bucking down the rough , uneven scrubland of the sloping ground beyond , it finally fetched up hard when it smashed head-on into a rocky outcrop .
10 ‘ You know , ’ Ash was saying , breathing hard and looking down the stair-well as I opened the door .
11 Theda said , smiling a little and holding out a hand , insensibly warmed by the woman 's greeting .
12 ‘ The beautiful torment of denial , of postponing the inevitable and building up a sweet need that improves every second of surrender .
13 I gave in to that later on in the '80s , by trying to be more conventional and blending in a bit more , and actually I should n't have done that . ’
14 Luckily , the Devil cares not for checking visitors ' bus passes to see if they 're over-the-hill and struggling down the slope on their Zimmer frames .
15 Parrott , Merseyside 's sportsman of the year , ran into trouble in only his second visit to the table , cannoning off black and knocking down the red .
16 She was pretty and crisply dark , her hair short and curling round a pointed face .
17 Those days she walked slowly , crying already and biting and snuffing back the tears .
18 We swung into a drive , knocking a mesh gate askew and waking up a snoring security guard .
19 In ex. 2 we have a simple pentatonic idea repeated chromatically , ascending and descending up the fretboard .
20 Agreements or understandings could cover price-fixing and/or sharing out the available work without resorting to competition ( which would have resulted in lower prices ) .
21 That circular laid the duty on governors and headteachers of developing and carrying out a plan for the school — a plan which took account of the full range of their responsibilities under the 1988 Act .
22 If instead of paid work , you are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business , you will not only have the start-up costs but , as you are probably well aware , very few new enterprises make a profit during the first two or three years .
23 You read an article about the police barging into a flat in the middle of the night for no apparent reason , stripping everyone naked and beating up an old lady , and you have to scrutinise the text for clues .
24 Pages produced by a page printer are , therefore , relatively expensive and running off a thousand copies of a 10 page price list will put a severe dent in the machines life expectancy .
25 By the time you get all the crew up on the windward rail , which would be in true wind of 10 – 12 knots , you should be flattening the bottom of the main and opening up the leech .
26 For years Pakistan 's opponents have made snide remarks about their bowlers getting away with such trickery as seam-picking and scuffing up the ball , ploys which make the ball swerve off the pitch or swing further in the air .
27 Overwhelmed , he retreated to London , eventually setting up his own label in 1967 and taking on the design directorship for Kangol hats and berets in 1981 .
28 Within these coastal poleniers an enormous amount of sea ice could form and then is removed to the north dumping enormous amounts of salt into the shelf water making it very dense and setting up the stage for the deep sinking associated with Antarctic .
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