Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 What 's more important getting that level and putting that right or getting the bottom level which to me would be more important
2 Giant freckles , called chloasma , sometimes appear on the face or neck in sunlight if you are pregnant or taking the combined Pill .
3 However , the richness as a cultural object of a deteriorated Windows 1.0 disc pack is cold comfort to an archivist or historian preoccupied with preserving or regenerating the operational environment of the product .
4 The pressure to please must have been especially strong for women writers who , if they wrote novels of ideas , were in danger of either being rejected as over-cerebral or having the intellectual content of their work ignored .
5 The truth is that my women friends really would n't feel much better if they were 19 going on 20 , 29 approaching 30 or nudging the big Four-O .
6 The task of examining this and extracting the full mechanism would be nearly impossible of achievement .
7 And the traders themselves told us that , by calling weekly and establishing a personal relationship with their customers , they can rely on collecting debts from people who might not reliably send off payments , say to an H P firm .
8 For each piece of field research aims at achieving a ‘ scoop ’ which will redound to the anthropologist 's credit , and the more interesting and exciting the raw data the better .
9 The British , with experience gained in the Boer War , had designed a standard rifle , light and holding the maximum number of rounds for fast , aimed fire at a specific target .
10 Sonia Heywood , assistant director ( child care ) for Wiltshire SSD , expressed some of her staff 's worries about getting it wrong and mishandling the whole issue .
11 They point to what they see as the devastating effect of the Exchange Rate Mechanism on keeping interest rates high and maintaining a debt-driven recession .
12 By breaking a task down into small , manageable pieces , keeping reward levels high and taking an analytical approach you can achieve a great deal in all spheres of life .
13 It is essential that management reward rather than punish the risk taking required in abandoning the old and trying the new .
14 ‘ I was too much in awe of you to utter in those days , ’ she confessed , lightly dismissive and matching the subtle mockery of his tone .
15 There could be no question now of the French fleet overwhelming the British and escorting an invading army to Scotland and Essex .
16 ‘ A European ’ , Temple wrote , ‘ can not exert a personal influence on the characters of more than one hundred to two hundred natives ’ ; but if he concentrated on ‘ guiding and controlling the native leaders ’ , then his influence would be ‘ magnified by a natural process a thousand fold ’ and the result would be that : ‘ The power thus exerted is infinitely greater in scope than any power or influence which it can be hoped that he will exert under the … system of Direct Rule . ’
17 Our menu list will give you some idea of how tasty and interesting a low-fat diet can be .
18 When the Catholic hierarchy was restored in 1850 Shrewsbury , whilst defending the restoration in public and denouncing the Catholic peers who distanced themselves from it , felt that the triumphalist attitude of Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman [ q.v. ]
19 The Chinese Wall is a self styled regulatory mechanism aimed at stemming the flow of material information from one department in a conglomerate to another and resolving the legal problems associated with conflicts of interest generally .
20 These arguments yield the curve in Fig. 6.1 , sloping downwards from left to right , becoming less and less steep and cutting the horizontal axis at the natural unemployment percentage .
21 He 's described as five feet six inches tall , white , clean shaven and wearing a blue anorak .
22 Here are narrow buildings with ornate , stepped and curving gables , topped by sculptured finials standing side by side , each one different but creating a homogeneous whole .
23 One day , they met in the second class compartment of a train — unemployed but taking the bad days as cheerfully as the good , knowing that tomorrow probably would find them enjoying the material rewards of advertising yet again .
24 This also applies to an application for any order which would have the effect of varying or discharging an existing order .
25 At least 17 women compositors emigrated permanently ( 12 ) or temporarily ( 5 ) in the years immediately preceding or following the Great War .
26 being accessible and providing the appropriate degree of support when necessary ;
27 Subsequent excited exploration led to amazing revelations : the shaft was descended and found to enter a network of communicating chambers and passages hitherto uncharted and displaying a rich array of beautiful limestone carvings .
28 He was a big fat man , who liked drinking too much and having a good time .
29 Many aviation memorials tend to be stones with plaques attached , stark and simple and reflecting the high cost of even a basic design .
30 Most aviation memorials tend to be stones with plaques attached , stark and simple and reflecting the high cost of even a basic design .
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