Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Instead of being a development of an inherent or generally available faculty , it is a specialized technique wholly dependent on specific training .
2 This is particularly necessary in innovative or highly specialised subject areas .
3 Thus , the main purpose of identifying these risk factors in clinical practice is to allow the physician to decide which patients will require more prolonged or more potent ulcer treatment .
4 And yet there is no denying that ‘ ethnic ’ identities which had no political or even existential significance until yesterday ( for instance being a ‘ Lombard ’ , which is now the title of the xenophobic leagues in north Italy ) can acquire a genuine hold as badges of group identity overnight .
5 Describing the liberal- minded students as " rowdies and trouble-makers " , he treated their concerns not as a social , political or even intellectual matter of significance , but as a short-term problem of public order .
6 Abrams argued that in place of traditional informal networks , one can observe the growth of ‘ neighbourhoodism ’ , which is ‘ an attempt by newcomers to create a local social world through political or quasi political action ’ .
7 Although wound discomfort is usually fairly short lived , nerve injury during the operation occurs after somewhere between 1 in 100 and 1 in 10 hernia operations and this can lead to more persistent or even permanent pain , discomfort or numbness over the groin , the base of the penis , and the upper part of the thigh .
8 Small firms suddenly find their viability under threat by the arrival of a regional or even nationwide grouping with an enviably large budget for self-promotion .
9 The Ronseal varnishes used here can also be applied to a painted or previously varnished surface that has been rubbed down with a fine abrasive paper .
10 Two main changes are indispensable to this end : the complete or virtually complete abolition of the licensing system , and a drastic alteration of the principles of the Town and Country Planning Act , 1947 .
11 3.13 The best way to form a view on the current level of damages for pain and suffering simpliciter is to study recent awards for minor injuries , where there has been a complete or almost complete recovery .
12 A simplified version of this role also distinguished the 500 or so small market towns with a population of between 600 and 1,500 inhabitants from the mere villages .
13 The other three ( Vela , the Crab and PSR1509–58 ) are all associated with supernova remnants ( SNRs ) , whereas very few — perhaps four — of the remaining 500 or so galactic radio pulsars have convincing associations with SNRs .
14 The $10m trial of the wireless communications system based on very low-power , digital radio communications will involve personal handsets and microcellular technology to enable users to be immediately and constantly accessible — 1,000 trial participants will use the pocket phones to make and receive calls within the coverage area , on both home base stations and 500 or so public base stations in the downtown and other densely-populated or widely visited parts of Boise .
15 In the urban fringe it has already been shown in Chapter 3 that recreation can have an adverse impact on farming , but other work has shown that the 500 or so informal recreation sites which cover 5.7 per cent of London 's Green Belt ( Ferguson and Munton , 1979 ) are not heavily used by either car-owing suburban dwellers ( who leapfrog over the green belt into so-called proper countryside since they perceive the sites as being too near to be worthy of a special car trip ) or by carless inner city residents ( who spurn the use of public transport ) ( Harrison , 1983 ) .
16 It is likely to have a very wide readership — made up not only of the 500 or so Open University students following the course each year , but also the many women embarking one of the women 's studies courses now on offer in Britain and Europe .
17 Is reading the romance a politically progressive or politically reactionary move ?
18 The normal or even inevitable road of life passed across chasms into which the worker and his family might and probably would fall : the birth of children , old age and retirement .
19 The anxiety created by the boredom of being locked all night and most of the day in a stable or very small yard with little to look at , forces the horse to create some activity for itself which will help relieve the boredom .
20 Taxation is designed to ensure that the losing party only has to pay those expenses properly incurred and is not saddled with the cost of unnecessary or unduly expensive work .
21 As a patient , I would like to think that the presence of a doctor 's name on the list would also offer me some sort of guarantee that he or she would not subject me to unnecessary or unjustifiably harmful treatment — whether that treatment be labelled alternative or mainstream , labels that serve only to confuse the issue .
22 When performed in normal circumstances , these strange behaviour patterns generally denote depraved appetite due to malnutrition , extreme hunger , indigestion , dietary deficiency , some kind of physiological upset or even sheer BOREDOM .
23 The " language of the game " is thus Creole or strongly Creole-influenced English .
24 ( For example , the frequency of the collocate ’ pay ’ in the context of ’ money ’ would be compared with its frequency outside of that context : this may return a high positive value , indicating a high degree of association , or a low or even negative value indicating non-association or even repulsion . )
25 A few of the questions yielded low or fairly low success rates even for the top third of pupils .
26 A few military theorists — Saxe in his Rêveries ( 1757 ) , Justus Möser in his Patriotische Phantasien ( 1775–1804 ) , Guibert in his Essai générale de tactique ( 1772 ) — as well as political writers such as Montesquieu , Morellet and Mably , might advocate some form of extensive or even universal service ; but there was no serious possibility of their ideas being adopted by any government .
27 The latter is a term used to refer to former ‘ white ’ areas of pre-independence Zimbabwe and are commercial farmlands , while the Communal Lands are peasant farming areas , of which nearly 27 per cent are subject to extensive or very extensive erosion , which compares with only 1.6 per cent of the General Lands .
28 They were loath to attract adverse publicity by criticising headhunters for an unsuitable or even disastrous appointment , or felt it might be a reflection on them if they chose an unsuitable firm .
29 Braque 's interest in space gives his work an ‘ overall ’ quality , which has ever since remained one of the main features of his style , whereas in Picasso 's painting the attention is usually riveted on the subject while the background or surround is often treated in a simpler or more cursory fashion .
30 SunSoft holds quarterly DOE non-disclosure updates for 75 or more independent software vendors under the auspices of a Distributed Object Council , and has up to 100 engineers working on object stuff .
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