Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The activities may be spontaneous or at the suggestion of the teacher .
2 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
3 Yet everything he talked of was clear and at the tip of his tongue .
4 At first they were very calm and at the end , at the end there was a big panic that they was , they were all talking over each other , there was no control , you know , it was a bit rushed at the end , but , that was n't because it was bad planning , it was just they were panicked at the end .
5 Expectations are always exceedingly high and at the minute club football in Cavan is poor . ’
6 I found his personality irresistibly magnetic and at the end of his speech I joined the rest of the huge crowd in tumultuous cheering .
7 At the end of 1942 the total was 218,783 and at the end of 1943 235,501 .
8 Closer editing would have improved this but at the cost of time .
9 The progress of this relationship is n't altogether clear but at the end of the book he describes the Italian male lover as a ‘ sleepy tomcat ’ and Vittoria 's life as subject to frequent phases of ‘ wailing neck biting followed by complacent indifference ’ from such men .
10 ‘ We are aiming not at the elaboration of a few but at the erection of many temples or houses of our Lord ’ and therefore ‘ cheapness in the construction of each is indispensable to success ’ and Gothic chapels need not be expensive .
11 Finn had at last wrenched Bothwell free but at the cost of tearing apart his controls ; in a spiky halo of torn wire , Bothwell crumpled to the floor .
12 It looks at both the validity of the accounting procedures as such and at the faithfulness of their conclusions to reality .
13 He was twenty-eight and at the top of the profession in America , a place where he had commitments , a secure job , money coming in , young kids , a home , a life style .
14 Haig had seen action in the Sudan in 1898 and at the Battle of Omdurman , where he served with the Egyptian cavalry .
15 But when the defendant appeared at the Bow Street Magistrates ' Court to answer an information that he had committed the offence under section 5(1) ( a ) of the Act of 1988 of driving with excess alcohol in the blood , he pleaded not guilty and at the close of the case for the prosecution a submission was made that he had no case to answer on the ground that the officer 's requirement at Vine Street Police Station that he provide a specimen of blood had not been validly made in accordance with section 7(4) .
16 The textbase STATLT holding the statutes for England has been developed and refined in a series of projects since 1980 and at the start of the project described here already provided a very detailed definition of the data structure [ 1 ] , full text-searching facilities , symbolic addressing in the manner of Figure 2 and a multi-valued attribute marg-note-xref in each text unit to record cross-references made to other parts of the text [ 23 ] .
17 We were all expected to work hard and at the end of each term we had examinations .
18 Above Eaux-Bonnes is the ski resort of Gourette , which has been created in the kind of setting ski resorts ought to have , in pasture-land but at the foot of the formidable mass of the Pic de Ger to the south .
19 I 've always had to work very hard but at the end of the day I 'm , I 'm self-satisfied because I 'm I 'm doing what I want to do .
20 The line is now extinct but at the time we arrived they had lived in the castle for some five hundred years .
21 It was very short-lived but at the time it was a bit of a shock .
22 We need staffing , people in that area and she 's an internal candidate that 's come through , she 's done a good job right and and now she 's you know it 's not right but at the moment it gets us over a q over a quick fix
23 on site time- keeping and sickness is low but at the end of the day when it comes to the middle of May then she ai n't gon na get a sh she ai n't gon na be employed anyway to be quite honest , unless she pulls her finger out .
24 Plus ça change : in the 1990s these words ( apart from their dated gender references ) remain as relevant and as enlightening as in the 1970s and at the beginning of the century : the problem of poverty is the condition of the normal man [ and woman ] in normal circumstances , neither better nor worse off than his [ or her ] neighbours , not of those whose failings qualify them to be the text for the moralist , and who are no more common in the manual working-classes than in other sections of the society .
25 We were getting on great and at the end they asked if we had drink at home .
26 He opted for the latter and at the end of 1989 he launched his debut album ‘ Brand New Star ’ which sold very well , got a lot of radio play , and , most important of all , it introduced the songs he had been composing and singing at concerts to a wider public .
27 It will be less polluting but at the cost of native energy sources which will be left to rot underground .
28 His relations with his family were never happy and at the age of sixteen he left home and abandoned his education .
29 At the christening it is the parents who have felt the need for religious involvement in the naming ceremony ; at the burial it is mainly the bereaved who are concerned and at the wedding it is the parties themselves who seek the ministrations of a church .
30 Erm as er you went on as er as far as referrals were concerned and the objections that were raised you , you apacked really and , and , and went through and overcome those and at the end of the day you , you got the , you got really what you er what you were aiming for that er to get him to , to speak to these people between now and the next appointment so you could er , you could come back .
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