Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The law of nuisance , therefore , affords little or no protection either to a complainant who is unduly sensitive to an odour emission , or where the use interfered with is a sensitive one , as when the taste of biscuits manufactured under controlled conditions , was adversely affected by odorous fumes from a source a few miles away .
2 But whereas Futurism had been to a large extent aimed at and against Paris and Parisian painting , the Germans were content to remain on the receiving end of things and their work , in the pre-war years at least , had little or no influence back on French art .
3 Amitha : I was appointed in September 1984 under the Race Relations Act and there was little or no idea why they wanted an ‘ Asian ’ worker .
4 The type of orientation described above is often given when students have little or no motivation actually to use the library .
5 These sites , in their simplest form , betray little or no development away from the main frontages and there appears to have been no obvious urban focus within the plan .
6 On March 8 Labour Minister Norbert Blüm announced the government 's intention to extend by six months ( to end-1991 ) its " short-time " policy , whereby employees for whom there was little or no work nevertheless received 70 per cent of their salary rather than be made redundant .
7 This material is largely undated , although it is clear that occupation along Ermine Street pre-dated the defences and continued with little or no change well into the fourth century .
8 Erm , of course it has to be remembered that all these lectures , or at least most of them , were erm voluntary compulsion and the men used to turn up because they were told to and er whether or not they showed little or no interest very often and it was all erm well a bit of a waste of time .
9 So we got there and he said right okay you 're the press chappy he 's right I 've put your press people over there so while respect Lieutenant Commander that really wo n't do because everything including the Band of the Royal Marines is between them and the Princess Royal so we argued about this and the compromise eventually was that that everybody would have to stay there until the ceremony started and then we could bring the stills photographers round to the end and up to one side where it was all happening mainly to get a picture of his wife cutting the cake .
10 All food is bought fresh daily and the management respectfully request a minimum of 24 hours notice on evening meals if required .
11 In no other religion are the stakes so high and the choice so momentous . ’
12 The sceptics argue that the cost of running rail services will prove too high and the return too low for the private sector .
13 Only the roof of the Commandant 's hut was visible over the high wooden fence that was the boundary of the Factory compound , but the fire was high and the smoke higher .
14 Apart from dog sitting , she was free and a year later the two are still together !
15 I mean today 's the only day I 've had free and the phone just has n't stopped ringing .
16 So in he went , bravely enough , thinking all the time of the thickness of rock and peat and earth over his head , and the air in that place was chill and damp and the ground underfoot was moist and sodden .
17 But with the economy still deteriorating and the government so unpopular , the issue of the leadership will not go away .
18 If it 's too long for you , just let me know and I 'll find something shorter and a bit easier . ’
19 The Syrian foreign minister who , after meeting Douglas Hurd , evoked the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916 in which the British and the French secretly carved up the Middle East between them ( later using the League of Nations to give them the so-called Mandates as a cover ) , was not making some arcane and irrelevant allusion .
20 But the real drama was building between the British and the French again .
21 The Home Guard became a joke for some and a remark once passed in my company was " What use do you think you would be against trained troops ? " .
22 Christmas dinner around the dining table will be rare treat and John says : ‘ Now the children are growing up , we hope they 'll be a bit more sensible and a bit less like unguided missiles . ’
23 Other major Matcham theatres which survive include the Everyman Theatre , Cheltenham ( 1891 ) ; Grand Opera House in Belfast , Grand Theatre in Blackpool , and Opera House in Wakefield ( all 1894 ) ; Lyric Theatre , Hammersmith ( 1895 , dismantled in 1972 and the auditorium only re-erected on a new site in 1979 ) ; Empire , Langton ( 1895 ) ; Tivoli , Aberdeen ( 1896 and 1909 ) ; Richmond Theatre , Surrey ( 1899 ) ; Gaiety , Douglas , Isle of Man ( 1900 ) ; Hackney Empire and Hippodrome in Brighton ( both 1901 ) ; Opera House in Buxton , Devonshire Park Theatre in Eastbourne , Shepherds Bush Empire , and Royal Hall in Harrogate ( all 1903 ) ; King 's , Glasgow ( 1904 ) ; King 's , Southsea ( 1907 ) ; His Majesty 's in Aberdeen and Olympia in Liverpool ( both 1909 ) ; London Palladium ( 1910 ) ; and the Victoria Palace ( 1911 ) .
24 Ghazi Kan'an , arranged a ceasefire on Sept. 2 and a week later officials from both sides signed an agreement in Damascus .
25 Neat , self-contained and a bit too pleased with himself .
26 It 's very overgrown and the animal probably didn'y have any idea they were here
27 When I got in I found the house was empty and the fire nearly out .
28 It has made me a lot tougher and a lot more businesswise . ’
29 It has made me a lot tougher and a lot more businesswise .
30 Prestel Education started its own software service in the Autumn term of 1985 and the feedback so far suggests that this is a service which schools find most welcome .
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