Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] had [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This involved the creation of an Intendant-General of Finance and a number of Secretaries of State : the cumbersome system of councils on which the Spanish Habsburgs had relied so heavily in the previous century began to fall into disuse , the Council of Castile alone remaining important .
2 In 1948 Abdallah had moved quickly to establish his legitimacy in those areas of Palestine under his control .
3 All told , by 1767 Caulfeild had added nearly another 900 miles [ 1440 km ] to Wade 's original network at a cost — about which the government grumbled though they paid up — of £130,000 .
4 Old Saul was the culprit , Old Saul had gone down in our history and my personal mythology as the Castraitor , but thanks to the little creatures who flew the creek I had him in my power now .
5 The old Maggie had known how to defend herself , how to keep anyone at arm 's length , but this new person delighted when Felipe touched her , glowed with languorous warmth and melted instantly .
6 A National Communications Union official , Rachel Ashworth , told the Women 's TUC annual conference in Blackpool that British Telecom had set up a Freephone number to deal with inquiries from potential operators .
7 The Old Stager had started forward , but let his chin drop despondently on his stick .
8 In contrast , the Australian marsupial fauna has remained isolated by sea and not until late Tertiary times , when Australia-New Guinea had moved close to the Indonesian islands , was even limited and chance colonisation possible of Asian placentals across small water barriers ( Whitmore , 1981 ) .
9 At first , acid from rotting conifer needles was blamed , but the average acidity of rain in the Scottish Grampians had increased tenfold from 1962 to 1975 36 and the suspicion grew that the strong acids of pollution were responsible .
10 Once a grand place in its own grounds , suburban London had crept up and round it , trapping it among the terraced streets .
11 That 's what John said last night , we er , all they , all went to bingo five of us went and it boomeranged well if you 're going I 'll come , if I 'm going you 're going I 'm going and the next thing poor old John had to go out and work look after about eleven kids
12 ‘ She ; s come to make a hit , she should be so lucky , ’ the trio had joked as a nervous Kylie had sat patiently waiting to see them .
13 In July 1338 Edward had set out on campaign in Flanders , leaving the realm in the charge of a keeper , the eight-year-old duke of Cornwall , and a council , on which Richard Bintworth , bishop of London , and Robert Wodehouse , archdeacon of Richmond , sat as chancellor and treasurer respectively .
14 By 1924 Hill had bought out the family interests and established Beecham Estates and Pills Ltd .
15 I slipped it back into its proper place , noting that the suspicious-minded Rico had emptied out all the shells .
16 The road was so bumpy Endill had to hold on tight in case he was thrown from his seat .
17 Giverny has become a monument to America 's infatuation with Monet — an infatuation which has been at least partly responsible for the exorbitant prices until recently given for his paintings , and one which is now shared with the Japanese Monet had lived there since 1884 , first renting a farm house with two and a half acres , then buying it , gradually making additions such as a studio , and extending the attached land to accommodate his famous Japanese garden and lake .
18 The gallant Lanc had flown over 800 hours on operations and had dropped around 500 tons of bombs , as well as many more flying hours on air tests and cross-countries .
19 The real Natasha had found both her voice and her face .
20 ‘ It began after my dear Tom had passed away and when Silas and this woman spoke of becoming engaged .
21 After a long struggle Raymond v of Toulouse had eventually , in 1176 , resigned all his rights over Provence ; and in 1177 Alfonso had taken over Roussillon .
22 When a younger and less sophisticated Hank had come quietly through the back gate in search of the garage , the couple had been busy planting a lilac tree .
23 By his retirement in the early 1870s Mayall had transferred both the firm and his wealth to his sons .
24 She said she was glad Nathan had moved in .
25 By the time he left Tonbridge in July 1940 Keyes had written more than seventy poems , discovered in a manuscript book shortly after the war ; many are inevitably juvenilia , but ‘ Nefertiti ’ , written when he was seventeen , marks an advance towards maturity , and his poem ‘ The Buzzard ’ , the last to be written at Tonbridge , is probably his most accomplished schoolboy work .
26 Yesterday a spokesman for Reg Vardy said the firm and Rolls- Royce had carried out more than £1,000 worth of work to rectify the steering problem , including fitting two new road wheels .
27 The number of employees on short-time work in eastern Germany had increased rapidly following economic and monetary union on July 1 , 1990 , and affected some 20 per cent of the work-force by the end of September 1990 .
28 In the opinion of many Bohm had jumped out of an indeterminate frying pan into a crackling non-local fire .
29 But she was a cheery old sort , if a shade old-fashioned ( ‘ I am old enough to be your mother , Prime Minister' had gone down rather well ) , and when she finally shuddered to a halt , having gone through at least two red lights , she was rewarded with much applause .
30 The houses were scattered around , low-slung , timbered , with a thatched roof and small porch ; it was a village scene similar to many Corbett had seen elsewhere except for the small dark people , their furtive looks and quiet ways .
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