Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [adj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Reg. v. Emmanuel ( 1981 ) 74 Cr.App.R. 135 where the defendant was charged in the indictment with alternative counts , the judge approved a proposal by the prosecutor to offer no evidence on the more serious charge and to accept a plea of guilty to the less serious .
2 Things came to a head on 30 January 1971 when a NICRA march in Derry , rendered illegal by Faulkner 's blanket banning of all marches the previous August , found its exit from the ghetto blocked by British soldiers , including the Parachute Regiment .
3 However , perhaps his best one , and the most important from the club 's point of view , was that of 12 January 1924 when the Palace met and beat the might of Tottenham Hotspur in the ( old ) 1st round of the FA Cup at The Nest .
4 R v Stanley ; CA ( Crim Div ) ( Bingham LJ , Ognall , McKinnon JJ ) ; 2 Oct 1989 Where a judge has it in mind to make a compensation order but the possibility has not been raised by counsel , it is the judge 's duty to raise the matter of his own motion so that it may be properly and fairly ventilated .
5 Fairburn died in London 12 October 1945 following a heart attack .
6 As to section 39(11) Mr. Langley relied on the decision of the Court of Appeal ( Dillon and Ralph Gibson L.JJ. ) in Bank of England v. Riley [ 1992 ] 2 W.L.R. 840 where the question was whether the defendant was entitled to refuse to answer interrogatories or disclose documents in reliance upon the privilege against self-incrimination , or whether that privilege was excluded by section 42 of the Act which entitles the Bank of England , inter alia , to require a person to attend and answer questions where the Bank has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person is guilty of contravening various sections of the Act .
7 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
8 The law is illustrated by the pre-Theft Act case of Hassall ( 1861 ) 169 ER 1302 where the treasurer of a Christmas club did not spend the money on Christmas treats .
9 All the planning , training , and pre-production work began to culminate in early December 1968 when the first filmed scenes were completed aboard the USS Yorktown , playing the role of the Japanese carrier Akagi , cruising off the California coast .
10 In early January 1988 about a dozen friends and colleagues , the same people who had been with me on the day John was kidnapped , met at my flat .
11 We were told that Mr. Oyston 's action was settled on 7 October 1991 following a statement in open court , by an apology made to Mr. Oyston and the payment of damages and costs .
12 Another historical line saw its last BR train on 26 September 1983 when the Cornish Wenford Bridge line was officially closed , its latter role being entirely devoted to the china clay traffic .
13 The accident at the graphite moderated , light-water-cooled pressure tube reactor at Chernobyl occurred on 26 April 1986 when an explosion produced an uncontrollable fire which lasted several days and led to vast quantities of radionuclides being lifted high into the atmosphere .
14 A similar decision was reached in re B — Court of Appeal , 10 June 1988 when the court found that the mother was not unreasonable in withholding her consent to adoption in order not to be deprived of contact with the child in spite of the fact that the twelve year old wanted to be adopted .
15 A tribute to the Punks and Anti-Nazi campaigners who battled hard on 29th June 1979 when a group of National Front members invaded a rave at Acklam Hall , Ladbroke Grove , West London .
16 If she delays beyond 31 December 1994 then the 31 December 1993 accounts will incur a late filing penalty in addition to interest arising on any underpaid tax at 1 October 1994 .
17 It was worn on 21 November 1673 when the Duke of York married Mary Beatrice d'Este , daughter of the Duke of Modena .
18 Susan Mayor , head of Christie 's Costume and Textiles department commented : ‘ Costume of this date is rare but seventeenth-century royal costume is surprisingly rare , and this piece can be dated exactly to a single day , 21 November 1673 when the history of England hung in balance .
19 That was the approach of the Court of Appeal in Reg. v. Birmingham City Council , Ex parte Ferrero Ltd. ( 1991 ) 89 L.G.R. 977 where the judgments were handed down on 23 May 1991 .
20 That was the approach of the Court of Appeal in Reg. v. Birmingham City Council , Ex parte Ferrero Ltd. ( 1991 ) 89 L.G.R. 977 where the judgments were handed down on 23 May 1991 .
21 This protracted crisis began on 17 March 1808 when a mob of soldiers , peasants , and palace grooms forced Charles IV to dismiss Godoy , found hiding in terror in a rolled-up carpet ; two days later another mob forced Charles IV to abdicate in favour of his son , the Prince of Asturias who became Ferdinand VII .
22 Such an arrangement is subject to attack by the Inland Revenue under the principle in Furniss v Dawson [ 1984 ] 1 All ER 530 whereby the Inland Revenue are entitled to ignore each of the individual steps and consider the substance of the transaction as a whole .
23 The only doubt about this was raised by the Court of Appeal in Faccenda Chicken Ltd v Fowler [ 1985 ] 1 All ER 724 where the court specifically left open the question whether additional protection should be afforded to an employer where the former employee is not seeking to earn his living by making use of the body of skill , knowledge and experience which he has acquired but is merely selling the knowledge to a third party ( see p79 above ) .
24 A restrictive interpretation was given to this expression in R & B Customs Brokers Ltd v UDT Finance Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 All ER 847 where the Court of Appeal held that a purchase is only in the course of business if ( a ) it is integral to the business or ( b ) there is some degree of regularity of similar transactions ( see also Peter Symons & Co v Cook ( 1981 ) 131 NLJ 758 ; Rasbora Ltd v JCL Marine Ltd [ 1977 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 645 ) .
25 ( See e.g. Condon v Basi [ 1985 ] 2 All ER 453 where a standard of reasonable care was applied to participants in a football match . )
26 It is extremely important that the trustees consider their discretions otherwise these may simply be set aside as the deeds of appointment were in the case of Turner v Turner [ 1983 ] 2 All ER 745 where the trustees simply did what the settlor stated without independently exercising their discretions ( see also Wilson v Turner ( 1883 ) 22 ChD 521 ) .
27 ( See also Norwich City Council v Harvey [ 1989 ] 1 All ER 1180 where a similar clause was held to prevent the imposition of a tortious duty of care on a sub-contractor who was not party to the contract . )
28 This , they suggest , was done on 17 December 1949 when the JCS proposed that the $75 m. fund should include French Indo-China , as well as Burma and Thailand , and this provided the means for an early programme of assistance in the French struggle against Ho Chi Minh .
29 On 4 December 1989 both the appellants executed a further charge on the property in favour of the mortgagees .
30 The market received added impetus on 11 January 1990 when the Bank made two further moves : the maximum maturity of paper was extended to five years ( it was previously one year ) , with paper of a maturity between one and five years designated " medium-term notes " ( MTNs ) ; and issues could be in any currency , not just sterling .
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