Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Cumbrian-born David works in the nuclear materials accounts and safeguards office at Sellafield .
2 April 12 Baker meets with the Jordanian Foreign Minister Taher al-Masri in Geneva , the first high-level meeting between the two sides since the end of the Gulf war .
3 An 80486 version of NeXTStep 3.0 will ship in the next six months when those oft-promised OEM deals with the likes of Dell Computer Corp will be announced .
4 The tournament starts on Monday and world No 2 Graf starts as the logical favourite to win following Seles 's withdrawal .
5 This SL comes with the world 's first five-speed automatic gearbox but fails to live up to its high price and long waiting list
6 Atkinson , Ferguson 's predecessor at Old Trafford returns to the place where his United side were usually thereabouts — but never there .
7 In these respects this Jesus strikes at the heart of the Jacob/Esau stories , and must present the most radical challenge to the story of the people of Jericho , who are not even left as bystanders , but are trampled into God 's ground and burnt to a cinder .
8 The period from 1 914 to 1933 Spalding identifies as the expansive and explosive period .
9 Your visit to Old Delhi takes in the Jama Masjid mosque , the Red Fort , and the imposing stillness of Raj ghat where Gandhi 's funeral rites were performed .
10 In Laughton , Hoathly and other places there were riots , the precursors of repeated Wealden troubles over the next three centuries when local magnates moved against what was seen as local backwardness .
11 You should specify R if this SSR replies to the SPR or C if it closes the SPR .
12 You should specify R if this SSR replies to the SPR or C if it closes the SPR .
13 The French Brown originates from the Swiss Brown , imported since 1827 and with its own breed society and herdbook in France since 1911 ; its appearance and qualities are described in the Alpine section , which also includes details of the Simmental group .
14 This London belongs to the city gents with their regimental ties and their polished shoes ; it belongs as little to a Celtic writer as it does to Surkov and Rozanov .
15 I hope this Margaret goes in the same way as the other Tory Margaret .
16 Others relied on the weekly USM reports in the London Evening Standard ( Fridays ) and The Times ( Mondays ) .
17 Yes and if that bloody Karen comes on the scene and wants to take him back I shall tell her , if you go back Paul
18 Otherwise , Professor Dyos concluded , the variety of human condition and physical environment to be found in Victorian Camberwell warns against the temptation to generalize further .
19 In October nineteen forty six Mao says to the cadres look , get land reform sorted out , do n't worry about the war , just get land reform sorted out !
20 Now , as Central America struggles from the wreckage of war , Washington and its former foes are engaged in an extraordinary detente .
21 As though to prepare us for that vision , Rubin Spangle has devised a show of early Flavin works from the Sixties which will be on until the end of the month .
22 Much of the territory above Tilberthwaite Gill lies within the Royalty of Muncaster and was owned then by Sir William Pennington of Muncaster Castle , Baronet .
23 In rats , longterm PBD leads to the development of hyperplastic acinar cell nodules and adenoma in the pancreas .
24 Furthermore , these DC offsets across the capacitors appear on the transformer windings , causing shifts in the core operating flux .
25 A large black Cadillac stops in the road to let me cross before pulling in .
26 Their occurrence with other prestigious grave goods in the burials of royal personages in ancient China points in the same direction .
27 However , in its interior Mercury differs from the Moon in that it is far richer in iron , and even has a weak dipole field which is almost certainly of interior origin .
28 And Cardiff knew , as the thing pulled him sharply back against the metal stair-rails with an echoing clatter , that the thing had double-backed to the sounds from the service corridor , had torn the still-imprisoned Farley Peters from the wall .
29 At least , I made sure that poor Ahn stays in the room with us . ’
30 Brilliant Brown goes for the jugular
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