Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the time eleven o'clock ticked round Travis had started to slur his words , and Leith had grown quite cross with Sebastian for so freely upending the bottle each time Travis 's glass came anywhere near empty .
2 That only happened in fairy-tales .
3 No , that only happened in films .
4 This apparently happened to Jim last year .
5 This obviously belonged to Brian Summers , the chairman of World Wide Insurance .
6 He first started Judo 13 years ago at school and this soon developed into tai-boxing and ju-jitsu .
7 This soon led to criticism of the excessive power of the Chancellor : ‘ The Chancellor 's position has become so strong that his opponents and supporters alike complain about his authoritarian style of leadership [ writing about Adenauer ] …
8 But the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent development of Soviet society produced an emphasis upon another strand in Marxist thought about the transition to socialism ( one which had not hitherto been given much prominence ) involving the idea of the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ; and in the specific conditions prevailing in Russia , which differed entirely from those in Western Europe , this soon evolved in practice into the dictatorship of the Bolshevik party , then the dictatorship of the party 's central committee , and finally the dictatorship of a single individual .
9 Another doggedly persisted in identification along the lines of ‘ … it looks a bit like an animal … four footed — the shape — the middle …
10 This generally resulted in processes by which companies tried
11 Some just stayed in London The " Owl and the Pussycat " rowed up Regent 's Canal in a donated boat while the " Quaffing Quartet " completed the monopoly board of London , mainly on foot , and " Bridge the Gap " rode tandems across 20 London bridges .
12 Infants were originally barred by the Parliamentary Elections Act 1695 but some nevertheless sat without challenge in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries .
13 This usually happened after lunch on the day following their arrival .
14 I guess a few more came to light .
15 ‘ If this ever came to court it would n't look good for an older woman to be seen enticing a young boy into marriage — ’
16 OSI would also be important for ISDN , the multi-purpose digital networks of the future , and this also lay behind AT&T enthusiasm .
17 An atypical presentation may contribute to a diagnostic delay , although this also occurred in patients with more specific symptoms .
18 Unfortunately , Randall left ambiguous the respective roles of Wilkins and Franklin , and this later led to dissension about the demarcation of the DNA research at King 's , but a letter of his to Franklin in 1950 makes it clear that on ‘ the experimental X-ray effort there would be for the moment only yourself and Gosling ’ .
19 One third of this now sagged under water .
20 This now emerged in lectures and papers given to a variety of audiences , including doctors , teachers , social workers , and other members of the helping professions , as well as analysts .
21 This originally appeared as part of a Fabian Women 's Group report based upon research from 1909 – 13 into the daily lives of families living in Lambeth .
22 This originally stood in Warwick Lane , east London , and abutted on to the eastern side of Newgate Prison .
23 Clearly the biggest problem was what to do about the tour , scheduled to leave Oxford at 9.30 a.m. bound for Stratford-upon-Avon .
24 It 's not quite as thick as it was the other day when it was just er constant , whereas this really went in patches .
25 Some even went to America across " t'Girt Dub " ( the Big Pond ) , while others went to work in lead-mines in Spain .
26 The bloodiest massacres were on Aug. 3 , when 140 reportedly died in attacks at two mosques in Kattankudy ; on Aug. 6 , when 58 bodies were recovered after two incidents ; and on Aug. 11-12 , when 100-170 were reported killed at Eravur in the Batticaloa region .
27 The fifth seeded American won the third round encounter 6–3 6–4 then raced for shelter as the rain flooded the Edgbaston Priory club .
28 Soon after this there arrived from Toronto a short ruddy-faced Welshman , Ernest Morgan , as Chief Producer , and as our programme production increased more staff was added , including the versatile and ever helpful announcer Dick Halhed , the tall and sharp-featured Stan ( or David ) Catton , and the suavely serious Marce Munro .
29 As Daphne said this there flashed into Cecilia 's mind that conversation with Tina , that terrible thing Tina had said , and another thought , one that seemed to swim up out of the deep waters of her unconscious , the idea that she , Cecilia Darne , yes , she , had once long ago met the right girl , and here was that right girl talking to her now of something , oh , so akin to what Tina meant …
30 This almost led to grounding of the plane but replacement with an incompatible elastomer made from ethylene-propylene copolymer rectified the fault .
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