Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [vb pp] [noun pl] to " in BNC.

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1 They hope that the sale of the tape will bring in some much needed funds to the trust .
2 The other ‘ disappointments ’ during the final week of the third session ( known as la settimana nera ) , such as the last-minute papally imposed amendments to the decree ‘ on Ecumenism ’ , had a similar function : to make the text more acceptable to the minority .
3 National also presented instruments to many of the royal houses of Europe .
4 Five directly elected deputies are sent to the National Assembly in Paris and three indirectly elected members to the Senate .
5 In return for the support of the nominally social democratic National Progressive Revolutionary Party ( Panpra ) , which commanded a key block of votes in the Chamber , Bazin gave the party two Cabinet posts and agreed to restore all locally elected officials to office , including Evans Paul , an outspoken critic of the military and the FNCD mayor of Port-au Prince .
6 We urge that all commercially marketed aids to stopping smoking should undergo the same regulatory scrutiny .
7 Scarcity limited its purchase to the wealthy and quinine did not become available generally for the treatment of malaria for another two hundred years , when the Dutch successfully transplanted trees to the East Indies .
8 Not only were these the first privately owned diesels to regularly haul freight trains over BR main lines , but they were also remarkable in having originated at La Grange , Illinois .
9 One-third also administered medicines to clients and 17 per cent said they carried out tasks which should have been done by nurses .
10 In the Treaty of Rome , the Treaty of Accession and the Single European Act , this country , this Government and this Parliament have given certain clearly defined powers to the Community .
11 One water lies on the crystallographic 2-fold axis , making four tetrahedrally arranged bonds to Thr41 and 41 , and Asp38 and 38 .
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