Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] if [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The two-layer structure will be stable only if the density of the cool , clear upper layer is less than the bulk density of the sedimenting lower layer .
2 Errors in searching are possible only if the searcher chooses the wrong subject heading in the published lists ; this too is regarded as an unlikely event .
3 Monarchs , nevertheless , remained formally at the centre — the Cabinet was still the King 's Cabinet and the Prime Minister first and foremost only if the monarch declined to attend .
4 Why is this so if the curriculum is to be based on research ?
5 The Entrance Examination produced the usual number of candidates ( about 350 ) , but of these half would be interested only if a bursary or some other sort of aided place could be provided .
6 The National Association of Pension Funds would prefer to see executive share options exercisable only if the share price has out-performed a suitable benchmark , such as the FTA All Share Index .
7 So the decision in the Factories Act case was justifiable only if the Act was regarded as not plain .
8 Again , it would have been professional suicide for a civil servant to describe the indignities of derangement and to represent himself as having been mad , unless the facts were as well known to his colleagues and masters as he says they were ; while to try , on the other hand , to put his known condition in a better light , as Hoccleve does , is sensible only if the fact of his illness was well known but his recovery less well recognised , which is what he claims .
9 This answer would be fully acceptable only if the speaker is fully aware of his situation and can do nothing at present to ease it .
10 Furthermore , the process of converting names into dealing clients was time-consuming and costly , although it would have been far less economical still if the Department of Trade 's regulations had been properly adhered to .
11 I should add that the outcome would have been no different even if the Act of 1985 had applied since Mr. Thomas concedes the time when the cause of action arises must be the same under both Acts .
12 The sharper increase in relief expenditure once the boom of the early 1790s gave way to the food crises of the mid 1790s , with only brief respite before the hyper-crisis of 1800 – 1 , is unmistakable even if the wartime inflation from 1793 is taken account of .
13 Chiaro , inevitably , finds herself distinguishing " dirty " jokes from " Irish " ; " political " jokes from " sick " ; and it would be very interesting indeed if a book could be written from a more socio-cultural perspective on such topics as subject , teller and listener .
14 Do n't stick to this rigidly if the discussion takes a different course to the one you expected .
15 The statement explained that war resistance was appropriate only if the Government engaged in military action unsanctioned by the League — a qualification that is nowhere to be found in Trevelyan 's resolution .
16 General grants would be appropriate only if the grantor felt that all local services were merit goods .
17 The Commission , however , raised the possibility that importers ( e.g. an auctioneer ) could benefit from the temporary importation arrangements : VAT would be payable only if the item were sold , and it would be deductible .
18 Privilege is either " absolute " — a complete defence , or " qualified " , ie lost only if the speaker or reporter is actuated by malice .
19 It 's nicer still if the table changes in the word processor when you make an alteration to your original spreadsheet .
20 It is probably unnecessary to specify the president , as the relevant institution 's procedures will be similar even if the president is not specified .
21 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
22 This liability would be payable even if the venture failed , and all the capital were lost .
23 The net rate of interest payable to you remains fixed even if the level of composite rate tax changes during th course of the Bond .
24 The moral code remained an ideal even if the performance was inferior , and for tribes and clans the aspiration was what counted : those who fought , sacrificed and died together became brothers , their leaders fathers .
25 They will go on doing so , but they can be effective only if the fighting which seems to have broken out and the looting that I described cease .
26 The method is , however , applicable only if the investigator has extremely clear goals in mind , already well worked out in advance , and a major disadvantage is the very limited nature of the data which it is capable of yielding .
27 It is just not good enough if the House does nothing .
28 Simply producing the finest facsimile machines , for example , just is n't good enough if the quality of your distribution does n't match up to your technical know-how .
29 The fact that this was credible only if the youth was retarded made the moral crux which followed rather pointless .
30 Consider embedding the names of programmers or the company name within the program code ; this can be extremely useful evidentially if a software pirate denies copying .
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