Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] were [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was obviously afraid you were taping the conversation . ’
2 In this they were following the example of the reorganisation of London local government a decade earlier .
3 The police say they 're considering charges against the 3 youths , but add that the youths now realise how foolish they were to fire the replica in the street and are deeply sorry for frightening the family .
4 Six you were doing a harder one than they was asking .
5 We went to Silverstone to do a go-kart race before a meeting there , and we both said how lucky we were to get the roles of these boys .
6 There a lady showed us to our seats , once we had got comfortable we were shown a safety routine by the stewardesses .
7 In 1534 they were granted the right to coin money .
8 As he walked with his brothers , Angel felt that , however lucky they were to have a university education , neither of them really saw life as it was lived .
9 How lucky they were to have the English language , for instance , plus the system of law and public administration .
10 They were much prized for cutting as well as for bedding , and by 1917 they were listing the immaculate white ‘ Purity ’ , to be sown for flowering in pots at Easter .
11 First of all we were given a demonstration .
12 After the Epiphany play of 1922 we were taking the home-made costumes back to the storage centre when I suddenly became aware of what an attractive , lovable person she was .
13 Olive Saunderson and Norman Field met and fell in love in predictably romantic circumstances when the Fields and the Saundersons were guests on board Lord Vestey 's yacht on a cruise to Norway in 1909 They were married the same year in Dublin and returned to England to set up home .
14 can I come back to the question if , you see if you do n't answer it I 'll repeat it , you as the person responsible for the figures would be anxious to make sure they were reaching the public accurately
15 Because after all they were having the cream of the shop people and some of them found out that the hard way .
16 When servicemen were demobilised in 1918 they were given a free unemployment insurance policy which entitled them to an ‘ out-of-work-donation ’ for a maximum of twenty-six weeks during the first twelve months following their demobilisation .
17 From the mid-1970s , the Docklands were given equal priority with the new towns ; after 1977 they were given a higher status .
18 She and her friends seldom discussed the concept of happiness : when they were not either bored or depressed they were having a good time and enjoying themselves .
19 Even with an Architect , problems may arise and it is then many people have found out how pleased they were to have an Architect at hand to turn to .
20 Well fair 's fair I were having a coffee with you , I 'm not just gon na walk out .
21 I asked , not certain we were discussing the same property .
22 In Islay in September 1938 they were flying a peregrine falcon at grouse with a bird called Cressida .
23 While it remains unclear what they were offering support about , it is certain they were helping the couple through their continuing marriage crisis .
24 It was alright we were got a flip on the when the plane first was just started here , well all the schoolboys and that was er called out on Saturdays to gather the loose stones .
25 At last they were closing the barn door hearing Mr Cooper say Jim I could
26 But he claimed they were well aware they were breaking the law and were prepared to face the consequences .
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