Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sorry I 've been to disability Scotland
2 How generous I have been with my genius .
3 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
4 I mean , I did get work at his mill in the summer of ‘ forty I 'd been on t'dole for four years , since I left school — but he went into the RAF not long after , and I did n't see him again till late ‘ forty-six .
5 He had seen how entirely wrong it had been for him to have assumed that Beatrice Throgmorton would look twice at him .
6 The new Emperor had seen how instrumental it had been in holding back the tide of Chaos and wanted to add yet another weapon to mankind 's arsenal .
7 Hours passed and the wind worsened to the strongest it had been for days .
8 How fond he had been of darling Mou-Mou … it broke Mummy 's heart to have her put down , but it was the kindest thing to do … .
9 And how painful it 's been at times to love you .
10 ‘ That 's how dependent he had been on her . ’
11 How fortunate we have been over the years in our efforts to help this cause , for yet again the story is one of sunshine , success and soaring profits .
12 When we include fairy stories in our consideration of ‘ the short story ’ , we realise how central they have been to our childhood , adolescence and adulthood , too : how we have pored eagerly over them because we ourselves , like Snow White , have feared our mother 's envy ; because , like Little Briar Rose , we imagine the gap between the child and the woman to stretch over a hundred years ; because , like Cinderella , we long to be protected by the good mother from the bad mother .
13 The Gala youngster acknowledges how fortunate he has been in the folk who have advised him along the way .
14 I 'm sure it was , Patrick grinned as he walked down the corridor and climbed the half-dozen steps from the servants ' quarters up to the hall ; he had seen the look on the butler 's face , and knew how uncomfortable it had been for him .
15 The rush was over by then , so I had time to listen to him telling me how bored he had been with the monotonous life in Parma .
16 After that she had been at pains to assure him she could cope very well and was about to go to see her inheritance .
17 And Dinda said she needed a filling , a re-filling actually and she said it 's the first that she 's been to a dentist that she could remember that she did n't notice the needle coming in , part she hates is the needle in the gum .
18 ‘ How cruel you 've been to me , Catherine ! ’ he cried wildly .
19 How glad I 'd been in those first nights with him .
20 I can have one of these now I 've been the worst I 've been for about six months I really !
21 Helen , who had been so calm during the night , was now cold and shaking with delayed shock , and Anne told her how glad she had been of her company .
22 The warm feeling induced by the spirit made her aware of how cold she had been since hearing the news .
23 Obviously , the ability to continue someone else 's work is very dependent on how disciplined they have been in identifying work to be done and returning successful work to LIFESPAN .
24 I must be good I 've been round your mum every day but I have n't got it .
25 Oh , Anne , how terrible I 've been to you !
26 Rupert had never met Everard 's mother , but remembering his own mother and how comforting she had been in his childhood illnesses he was immediately reassured .
27 I 'll tell Mama when I see her how good you have been to me .
28 Are you sure you 've been to this place before ? "
29 Sure she 'd been with you , SOE .
30 She once confessed how unhappy she had been at home .
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