Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Is this just a game for you ?
2 I have used this quite a lot for cardigans for an elderly lady , who was a bit of a traditionalist and would not have tuck stitch , in which the ‘ wrong ’ purl ) side is used as the right side .
3 If the by-election results were repeated throughout the district , the number of Labour councillors on Wear Valley Council would be reduced from eight to four with the Liberals increasing from 28 to 32 scarcely a reason for rejoicing in the Labour ranks .
4 Starfield and Mellits ( 1968 ) were successful in teaching 5-year-olds to hold on to their urine for as long as possible once a day for six months and enabled one-third of the children to become dry .
5 At 4 am the klaxon for reveille sounded , and half an hour later the breakfast gong .
6 If they are more complex then a plan for your care will be made and someone will be appointed to co-ordinate your care needs , and to discuss the plan with you .
7 Derrida has even described the critique of logocentrism as ‘ above all else the search for the ‘ other ’ ’ .
8 Where it breaks down and you get a governing body that is split down the middle , where you get staff who tend to who might tend to go in an opposite way to the head teacher , where you get parents who are asked to make difficult decisions as with an opt out ballot , then I think that you have to look very hard at the way that that school is managed and the way that it 's going in the future , because those are the sort of issues that unless you get those right the future for the school can not be as bright as it is for one where they are working as a team .
9 Ferranti is looking increasingly isolated in the UK defence electronics scene and it is difficult to see the institutions tolerating such an exercise or forgiving lightly the management for the International Signal and Control takeover .
10 argues that the state is an instrument to maintain the capitalist mode of production , and the other , a structuralist perspective , contends that the growth of state intervention may be generated by social and political pressures as well as the economic requirements of capitalism but that ultimately the scope for manoeuvre for the state is constrained by the requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
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