Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] with " in BNC.

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1 Although Weinberger opposed it , he did not often do so with force : partly because , it seemed to him , nobody was foolish enough to propose it with much vehemence .
2 It was only Cranmer who was brave enough to confront him with the evidence of the infidelities of the adored young Queen of his middle age , Catherine Howard .
3 And then if you 've done that by next time got all them all written down and you 're quite happy and you want to go on and do some more try it with sixty pennies .
4 This survey also indicated that in those libraries with audio-visual presentations , more than half also supplemented them with other forms of orientation or instruction notably tours , printed guides , supplementary printed handouts and exercises or other practical work .
5 So this now leaves us with the view that if we reduce our intake of all fat our health will certainly benefit and so will our waistlines .
6 This actually leaves me with £13 to spend on fish for my initial stocking .
7 It will be easy enough to bleach them with some Milk of Magnesia the night before he comes home .
8 It 's really easy just to do it with Windows .
9 Well what used to be simple and straightforward now leaves you with th wondering whether you got the right card in your pocket
10 That still leaves them with a significant advantage .
11 But that still leaves it with about 16m people , vast assets and a formidable ability to mobilise and disrupt .
12 That still leaves it with the human problem of what to do about its many customers , the sizeable backlog of orders they have created and the delays they face .
13 The capital was large enough to provide them with the anonymity they badly needed .
14 For Lawrence to give his imprimatur to the idea of the Commonwealth seemed sufficient rebuttal to anyone rude enough to associate it with a loss of imperial virility .
15 Fewer still quoted him with approval .
16 In a few moments she had finished it all while Tom All Alone watched her with obvious delight .
17 In fact she agreed cheerfully that she liked to see the whites of the eyes of any constable stupid enough to encounter her with tie undone or shirt unbuttoned .
18 Physically she 's the epitome , almost a caricature of the male fantasy dream girl , and I was stupid enough to endow her with all the other attributes I thought the perfect woman should have . ’
19 We began to ‘ talk ’ , though my ‘ kitchen Arabic ’ was only good enough to ply her with questions and to catch perhaps half of the answers .
20 If you will be good enough to furnish me with the necessary linen , I will take it upon myself to make Lady Merchiston a degree more comfortable . ’
21 If your communication is good and you can work together to increase that co-operation and co-operation gets better really puts us with trust and co-operation puts us on a high scale .
22 I 'm in hot water over various things — nothing important enough to bore you with , but I know the director wants shot of me — he 's said as much and I 'm sure my days are numbered ; I feel like I 'm struggling to keep my head above water — Oh , I knew this particular pool was going to be deep , but he 's there waiting just above the surface to shove me under , finding some half-baked reason to be rid of me .
23 Ultimately , the urge to move on that afflicted so many media people , and Florian more severely than most , would demand satisfaction , but she suspected that Luke would be shrewd enough to tempt him with an offer of his choice of all the other stations in which he had an interest .
24 If you have upgraded to Windows 3.1 then you might not know it but Microsoft were kind enough to supply you with a free diagnostic utility — MSD ( Microsoft System Diagnostic ) .
25 to provide me with the reference , would you be kind enough to provide me with a reference and send it via oh my God !
26 Later , I managed to contact him and after a preliminary meeting , which lasted some thirteen hours , he was gracious enough to supply me with large-scale copies of maps of the area for me to be able to check his work — generosity indeed !
27 First he 'd been crazy enough to subdue her with a kiss which , though it had begun in anger , had aroused a need for her so hot and instant that it had stunned him more than her slap , and now this .
28 The Swiss often define it with both geographical and historical precision as the region round the shores of the lake they call the Vierwaldstattersee Lake of the Four Forest Cantons .
29 And feeling like that definitely helps you with the next tough part .
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