Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [verb] their [det] " in BNC.

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1 Admittedly there were signs in the late 1980s that this pattern was breaking down , if only because both superpowers were becoming too weak economically to maintain their former roles , and because the model of a world divided by the October Revolution had little relation to the realities of the late 20th century .
2 When one finds a sympathetic platform from which to display an idea , many more ideas are stimulated which , although having no sympathetic platform , may be strong enough to create their own .
3 They were often not interested enough to develop their own bona fide opinions .
4 They now not only conduct funerals but have their own joiners and monumental masons making coffins and headstones , and some even own their own crematoria .
5 Robin Child 's influence has gone far beyond the limits of the classroom and his Marlborough pupils : he has lectured widely , here and abroad , to teachers , art societies , art colleges , educationists , church audiences and schools ( some subsequently sending their own heads of department to Marlborough to see how it 's done ) on many aspects of art and art history , the philosophy of teaching and his own approach to it .
6 Um it 's also the case that um particularly round about that time there was an an idea that children were not competent enough to know what had happened to them , not competent enough to know their own minds .
7 UTV and Channel 4 now have their own separate sales arrangements in Dublin , and UTV is pushing itself as an all-Ireland TV medium .
8 The transnational capitalist class , fractions of the labour force , and other support strata that the TNCs have created , will all increasingly identify their own interests with those of the capitalist global system and , if necessary , against the interests of their ‘ own ’ societies as the transnational practices of the system penetrate ever deeper into the areas that most heavily impact on their daily lives .
9 Ireland , Scotland , Wales and England all proudly sport their own individual beauty .
10 I bought along this brochure , you can have a copy if you like but I mean at the back there are forty five institutions all virtually paddling their own canoe .
11 Shaw , Black and Lulu all cheekily carved their own slices of the cake before they reached the matronly age of eighteen .
12 It seems that adults who provide optimal conversational support for language learning are those who are sensitive to the child 's conversational needs and are able constantly to adjust their own contributions to match those of the child ( Wells 1981 ; Wood 1988 ) .
13 No worker , he suggested , was clever enough to be able both to perform their own job and to analyse the best way of doing it .
15 In 1967 , a progressive candidate , backed by the Communist Party , won the elections , but again the military fraudulently imposed their own candidate , The PCS split , with Salvador Cayetano Carpio opting for armed struggle .
16 Once a land of dour council housing , thousands now own their own houses .
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