Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [adv] [vb -s] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Because you know what he 's like when he gets talking , he talks so much he just cuts all your hair off Ye yeah it 's all cut on the sides and cos , cos they 're all taught to finger dry and what have you , he does all this and what have you .
2 She suggests that abortion was probably the most prevalent form of contraception for working-class women before 1914–25 She also notes that chemist shops sold quinine , which could be used as a spermicide or as a drug to procure abortion , that a wide variety of drugs were used to achieve abortion , and that advertisers offered many female pills , such as Widow Welch 's Female Pills and Towle 's Pills , which were , in effect , abortifacients .
3 ESSENTIAL BOOKS Lindsay Fraser from Heffers Children 's Bookshop in Cambridge makes sure she always has these titles in stock : .
4 Therefore , when a school is over-subscribed it necessarily follows that ‘ compliance with the preference ’ of all applicants would prejudice proper education at the school through overcrowding .
5 The Waste Land , she argues , is a hysterical text in that it always displays that which it attempts to repress ; Eliot 's articulation of his authentic poetic voice gives way , despite himself , to a staging of his own destruction .
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