Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [verb] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Storming on up this I reached an ominous overhang .
2 Whilst with the Boston Museum Stock Company , in 1885 she married an intense fellow actor , George Richmond Parks , the son of John A. Parks , a hotelier .
3 In the early years of her reign Elizabeth was faced with an urgent crisis on her northern border , and in 1562–4 she pursued an expensive adventure into France .
4 In his notebooks of 1867 we find an extraordinary profusion of plans for a book : one or two are lists of wide-ranging topics arranged to form a more or less coherent whole ; most are variations on the theme of tragedy .
5 In 1776 he became an active member of the ( Smeatonian ) Society of Civil Engineers , the influential dining club of John Smeaton [ q.v. ] and other leading practical men of the day .
6 In 1776 he became an active partner in this firm , now styled Barclay , Bevan & Bening .
7 In 1609 he completed an English translation of a treatise De Potestate Papae , but the Jesuit general refused to allow its publication .
8 When he was one month old he suffered an accidental fall , hitting his head .
9 In 1825 he used an artesian tube to sink what was then the largest well known in the country , eighty feet deep and thirty feet wide .
10 In '86/'87 she underwent an extensive refit which improved the yacht both aesthetically and functionally .
11 At thirteen she had an extensive collection of Esther Williams photos in glamorous swimsuits and the most advanced information available about what to do with boys .
12 Would anyone like to argue with her and say it 's not that much you know an important character .
13 Form 1836 to 1849 they carried an impressed mark , ‘ Bristol Pottery ’ .
14 On 18 December 1912 a reconstruction of these remains was presented to the Geological Society of London by ( Sir ) Arthur Smith Woodward [ q.v. ] , keeper of geology at the Natural History Museum , who was convinced they represented an early human form which he had dubbed Eoanthropus ( ‘ dawn man ’ ) dawsoni .
15 As such it presents an authentic record of early aviation in the local area , and although of limited general interest , it fills a gap in the country-wide documentation of aviation history in the UK .
16 That is how the former SAS officer sums up his most recent adventure : the first crossing of Antarctica , the coldest place on earth , on foot , an expedition which has left him , not for the first time in his life , with severe frostbite.He is a man of extremes : in 1991 he led an international team which discovered the lost city of Ubar , in the hottest desert in the world , in Arabia.He will be talking about the ‘ hot and cold experience , ’ as he puts it , at Snape Maltings on Saturday April 24 .
17 In March 1991 it won an important case when the strongly integrationist European Court of Justice condoned Brussels ' ability to rule on public service monopolies without the approval of EC member states , despite the fact that the Court 's principal legal adviser , the Advocate General , called for the Commission 's powers to be restricted under Article 90 of the Treaty of Rome .
18 It 's flipping cold today , so I 'm real glad I got an electric fire .
19 and she ooh I do n't know I 'm gon na have to something to her cos some weeks I get it and some weeks I do n't , I said you ought to think yourself lucky you get an extra ten pound , I said , we do n't !
20 By 1700 it had an outer polygonal timber palisade one sazhen high ( a sazhen is 2.13 metres ) and 1,500 sazhens in length , with five towers set into it .
21 The basis of all these systems is the alphabetical filing of names of either persons , places , things or subjects , and even when the system is numerical it requires an alphabetical index .
22 He left India in 1945 ; in the spring of 1946 he received an unexpected invitation from Professor G. M. B. Dobson [ q.v. ] at Oxford to join in his work on atmospheric ozone .
23 Edward retreated to Brussels , but in the winter of 1339–40 he achieved an important diplomatic success in Flanders when he persuaded James van Artevelde to enter into an alliance with him under which Artevelde recognized his title to the French throne and agreed to give him military aid .
24 The aircraft was on charter to fly passengers from Norwich to Gothenburg , Sweden , and during the morning of 12 Dec 73 it made an uneventful positioning flight from Oslo , Norway , to Norwich where it landed at 1228 hours .
25 However , to establish from this that taste is objective he needs an extra premise : that higher art compels greater attention and provides greater enjoyment to the observer than low art .
26 In August 1917 he organised an international conference in London of representatives of all seamen , both officers and men , " of all nations except those of the enemy " which resolved that German seafarers were equally responsible with the German authorities for their " inhuman conduct of submarine warfare " and demanded both reparations and a boycott of German seamen themselves when the war was over .
27 In 1979–80 we collected an interesting community of invertebrates at 300 m in Loch Morar .
28 If we tried to keep it alive we had an open flank : some guy trying to save his own ass by telling them : ‘ Jeez if you drink I did bad things just look at what Magill and Tadham were doing in London . ’
29 It may well be true that there is little evidence of a widespread parochial anti-clericalism in the early sixteenth century , if by that we mean an endemic lay hostility towards the local priesthood .
30 As an animal becomes extinct we lost an integral part of nature and ourselves .
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