Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [vb mod] just have " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid you 'll just have to take our word for it .
2 So I 'm afraid you 'll just have to contain your Aries impatience a little longer — unless , of course , you intend to call the porter and have me put out … ’
3 putting up with that and me not going out then I 'm afraid we 'll just have to put up with it !
4 If I get too tired I might just have a lie down and have a little kip .
5 But first I must just have a word with you about … ’
6 Looking back on it today , however , I perceive how dated it is ; but , in the 1930s it might just have excited interest , simply as illustrating one direction in which a Marxian might , in his disillusionment , turn .
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