Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] from [n mass] to " in BNC.

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1 Light lambs from 106.3p to 121.9p ( average 112.6 ) , standard lambs 103.9 to 119.4 ( 113.1 ) , medium lambs from 106.2 to 115.5 ( 112.5 ) , heavy lambs from 100p to 107.8 ( 107 ) , overweights from average 100p , overall average lambs 112.97 .
2 Store sheep , 188 forward ewe and lamb couples Welsh single couples £24 to £41.50 , Welsh double couples £41 to £47.50 , cross bred singles up to £51 , Welsh yearling couples £46 to £60 , cull ewes cross bred ewes £18.50 to £29.80 , Welsh ewes £12.80 to £20.50 , rams from £17 to £25.50 , prime stock entry of 578 lambs with additional buyer in attendance , heavier lambs showing the best trade with insufficient numbers forward to meet demand , the lighter lambs met a firm trade resulting in a sale average of 108.1p , light lambs from 103.2p to 112.8p ( 107.54p ) , standard from 104.5p to 116.3p ( 107.3p ) , medium lambs from 113.6p to 115.7p ( 114.1p ) .
3 Aimed at new businesses , the centre provides private car parking and a range of office units available at weekly rents from £30 to £65 .
4 In Gloucestershire the number of young offenders cuationed has risen in the last 2 years from 44% to 70% .
5 THURSDAY : Telecommunications watchdog Oftel said it would review BT 's pricing policy , in spite of the group 's fall in third-quarter profits from £787m to £759m .
6 Store sheep , 188 forward ewe and lamb couples Welsh single couples £24 to £41.50 , Welsh double couples £41 to £47.50 , cross bred singles up to £51 , Welsh yearling couples £46 to £60 , cull ewes cross bred ewes £18.50 to £29.80 , Welsh ewes £12.80 to £20.50 , rams from £17 to £25.50 , prime stock entry of 578 lambs with additional buyer in attendance , heavier lambs showing the best trade with insufficient numbers forward to meet demand , the lighter lambs met a firm trade resulting in a sale average of 108.1p , light lambs from 103.2p to 112.8p ( 107.54p ) , standard from 104.5p to 116.3p ( 107.3p ) , medium lambs from 113.6p to 115.7p ( 114.1p ) .
7 Citrus fruit consumption has gone up from 2.70oz per person per week in 1982 for oranges to 2.99oz , and for other citrus fruits from 1.72oz to 2.19oz .
8 Class sizes have risen , and between 1981-2 and 1985-6 expenditure per full-time equivalent student fell in real terms from £3,800 to £3,150 .
9 The city was to include one hundred and twenty-six furnished houses from £250 to £4,000 each and one hundred and seventy-four unfurnished houses from £62 to £200 .
10 AT Sainsbury 's , English matured cheddar is reduced from £2.25 to £1.99 a lb , a dozen eggs from £1.20 to 99p , a large pot of French set yoghurt from 93p to 75p , 500g of Sunflower margarine from 63p to 49p and a raspberry trifle from 42p to 36p .
11 For the year as a whole , the deficit in sterling terms was up by three quarters from $120.2m to $210.5m .
12 Cement giant Blue Circle added 2p to 177p , despite a downgrading of full-year profits from £105m to around £75m .
13 Most are banking on two things : that the finance ministry will raise the limit on foreign ownership of Korean firms from 10% to 15% , and that the current bull market will continue .
14 The city was to include one hundred and twenty-six furnished houses from £250 to £4,000 each and one hundred and seventy-four unfurnished houses from £62 to £200 .
15 Reebok 's entry level spike which is suitable for all distances from 800m to 10,000m .
16 She has been the Great North Run winner in 1990 and 1991 as well as the British track holder at all distances from 100m to 800 .
17 Although total revenue was steady at £6.4m , interest on borrowings taken on to switch into American , Japanese and Australian bonds cut pre-tax earnings from £4.23m to £3.2m and earnings per share from 2.57p to 1.95p .
18 DEWHIRST , the clothing and toiletries maker that relies on Marks & Spencer for more than 80 p.c. of its sales , increased profits from £3m to £4.1m last year on turnover up 7 p.c. at £130m .
19 The Hassel Homes division increased profits from £5.7m to £14.3m by avoiding the depressed South-east market and concentrating on improving margins in the North and Scotland .
20 WITH the future ownership of its American parent still in the balance , AMI Healthcare , the British private hospital group , has announced an increase in pre-tax profits from £15.8m to £20.9m .
21 ARCOLECTRIC 'S shares tumbled 20p to 113p on a fall in half year pre-tax profits from £320,000 to £128,000 .
22 News of the purchases came as Sydney Mason , chairman , announced a 21 p.c. fall in pre-tax profits from £70.7m to £55.5m for 1991 .
23 This was the main message behind a worse than expected slump in interim pre-tax profits from £30.9m to £16.2m and the likelihood of a full year pre-tax loss , after incurring exceptional costs estimated at a cool £50m , to £55m .
24 CONTRACT catering giant Compass — which aborted its bid for Gardner Merchant — has pushed pre-tax profits from £32m to Pounds 34.9m for the year to September .
25 The company , which owns Spear & Jackson , the garden tools manufacturer , has been the subject of recurrent speculation for months , and it was fuelled last month when Neill announced a fall in pre-tax profits from £2.71m to just £28,000 in the first half .
26 The latter was mainly responsible for a plunge in half-year profits from £84.4m to £70m and analysts have downgraded the full-year figures on the back of it .
27 Pet Cremation Services will collect pets of all sizes from goldfish to a small horse .
28 FOREIGN & Colonial Pacific Investment Trust reduced its equity weighting in Japan to its lowest level ever and avoided bank and insurance shares altogether to lift its net assets from £188m to £238m last year .
29 It decided to launch the bid sooner than planned after Neill announced a sharp drop in interim profits from £2.71m to just £28,000 before tax last month .
30 Light lambs from 106.3p to 121.9p ( average 112.6 ) , standard lambs 103.9 to 119.4 ( 113.1 ) , medium lambs from 106.2 to 115.5 ( 112.5 ) , heavy lambs from 100p to 107.8 ( 107 ) , overweights from average 100p , overall average lambs 112.97 .
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