Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A word that coins the same message .
2 In an important way casual working demands the same disciplines of the worker as more traditional working .
3 We are all the time , every time we encourage extra journeys we are encouraging extra C O 2 emissions the most part is found most important factors in increasing the security generation and all other forms of airborne pollution .
4 After months of negotiations between the Russian , Chilean and German authorities the former East German leader , Erich Honecker , was flown on July 29 from Moscow ( where he had lived in the Chilean embassy since December 1991 — see pp. 38687-88 ; 38782 ) to Berlin where he was imprisoned .
5 In a few minutes the same policeman forced his way through the mob to the gallery .
6 Many of the same factors seem also to have occurred in the childhood histories of adults developing different disorders , suggesting that , as illustrated by Figure 3.1 ( page 36 ) , in different combinations the same factors may play an aetiological role in different disorders .
7 But the point is that it makes sense for him to reject such a statement as false on a given occasion , only if he is prepared to admit that in different circumstances the same statement could be true .
8 For shorter boards the same principles apply , but the back position does not make the board faster as the board planes on too small a surface and becomes difficult to control
9 In some ways the more temptation is increased , the more a strong character might want to resist .
10 One of the oddest is the use of libel writs to harass novelists who inadvertently give unpleasant characters the same name as real people .
11 Another teacher , Lucy , reads to a group of 10- and 11-year-old children the same day .
12 In some specimens the latter papillae are much more developed forming a line among the proximal edge of the adoral shields .
13 For most speakers the meat class belongs to both systems in that it is an alternating class ; thus , on different occasions the same speaker may pronounce words of the type seat , peace , leave with [ e : ] or with [ i ] .
14 With established acts the same thing happens .
15 Deep in his cavernous eyes the same red glowed steadily .
16 Obviously , under such circumstances the former user is in need of all the support he or she can get .
17 Figure 4.8 outlines the this option .
18 In 1933 the Labour Party acknowledged these aims by accepting the affiliation of the Socialist League , giving its 2,000 members the same opportunities for submitting policy resolutions as the largest Trade Unions .
19 There 's no doubt it 's going to be difficult for us but if we play for 90 minutes the same way we did against Cork in the first half last week , we 'll return with something from the game . ’
20 In these circumstances the same output of OX 1 is provided after the central government has provided a cut in taxes which affects the median voter .
21 In the next three weeks the same treatment was handed out to four more castles : Genzac , Marcillac , Grouville and Anville .
22 Physically and erm emotionally writing can be very isolating and so , for example a few years ago , I was writing a huge piece on Africa about Africa and I found emotions growing that I actually did n't have names for , erm and it made it impossible to finish the piece I was working on , and then I , I went to see an Afro Asian exhibition of art and I saw portraying some of these paintings the same emotions and it , it did n't give me a name for the emotions but it , it made me feel an awful lot less isolated seeing that erm other people have also , have also felt this .
23 In these situations the same remedy is appropriate for all cases of the condition .
24 Reaching about a foot in height , whorls of rose-purple flowers the same shape as dead nettles are produced in May .
25 In the arable fields the same crops were grown throughout a field and the task of harvesting was undertaken communally .
26 ‘ There 's nobody in the UK to date that 's really offered small to medium-sized businesses the same buying power and service as large companies , ’ said Jane Knowles , marketing manager for Business Superstore .
27 There were two jangling mistakes from Horner giving away early penalty points to Soutter , and after only 11 minutes the former champion had pocketed the first game with a good backhand drop from a short ball .
28 Much however , depends upon how votes were actually spread , and how many times the same papers were transferred from one candidate to another .
29 The meeting had been called in order to clarify the situation on funding for Egypt 's IMF-inspired economic reform programme and followed the concessions announced in May by members of the " Paris Club " of creditor countries ( in many cases the same countries as were involved in the World Bank announcement ) .
30 In many ways the latter approach would be preferable since the essential question is whether the charge was intended to secure some new value and the requirement to register it within 21 days of its creation would suffice to protect those dealing with company .
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