Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mr Karel Van Miert , the Transport Commissioner , is asking member governments to approve a plan which would leave passenger services largely in the hands of state-owned monopolies but open up freight services to competition by permitting private operators to pay for the use of publicly-owned tracks .
2 Through the desert with my family and through the perils of the desert and erm it took us about eight hours to go through the desert , which normally takes two hours , and it was very difficult .
3 Thus an anti-communist accord was preserved in the face of one of the very few political disagreements to intrude on the fun at drinks ' time .
4 So make definite plans to deal with the fears that you can control .
5 Brin was issued with false documents to fool the Germans and he worked for 5 months with the resistance , helping allied servicemen to escape along the so called Comet line ; a 1,500 mile route across Europe from Holland through Belgium and France , on through Spain to the safety of Gibraltar .
6 Brin was issued with false documents to fool the Germans and he worked for 5 months with the resistance , helping allied servicemen to escape along the so called Comet line ; a 1,500 mile route across Europe from Holland through Belgium and France , on through Spain to the safety of Gibraltar .
7 There were various more or less half-hearted attempts to get over the finality of this selection .
8 Unlike a pension fund in either Britain , America or even Japan , these interlocking shareholders have strong economic reasons to care about the performance of the firms in which they own shares .
9 Thus in the UK the Natural Environment Research Council had initiated a series of working groups to advise on the needs for future research .
10 Four former South African police officers were sought by the Namibian authorities to testify at the trial , but had refused to come forward , despite being offered immunity from prosecution .
11 It consists of two plastic wedges , with sticky surfaces to attach to the computer and rubber Feet .
12 On May 7 , the Squadron CO then took Sugar on a tour of European cities to check on the suitability of certain enemy airfields to accept Allied heavy aircraft .
13 There would , of course , be a temptation for small partnerships and sole traders to convert to the Limited Company form of operation just to avoid tax on distribution to the proprietors , so it might be necessary to levy a Stamp duty on companies as part of their annual running costs ; this would compensate the national exchequer for any abuse .
14 With only eight months to go before the closure of Staveley sheds , a local class 04 trundles down from Arkwright on a rake of coal empties from Kirkby Bentinck No. 63701 will deposit the train at Staveley , some two miles down the track , and beyond Duckmanton North Junction ( below ) seen in the distance .
15 The first 500 readers to write to The Sugar Bureau will get a free copy of Easy Cooking On A Budget .
16 Of the more than fifty books to come from the press , there is no doubt that the finest was his Chaucer of 1896 , reckoned by many to be the greatest book printed in England since Caxton , of which he printed 425 copies with an additional thirteen on vellum .
17 The report , published two weeks before the 25th anniversary of King 's assassination in Memphis on 4 April , 1968 , said army units used informants to spy on the King family and other US black leaders starting in 1917 .
18 A 60-day state of emergency was imposed in Nalchik , capital of the Russian Federation North Caucasus republic of Kabardino-Balkaria , on Sept. 27 , following demonstrations by protesters demanding the release of the leader of the Confederation of Caucasus Mountain Peoples , Musa Shanibov , detained earlier in September for forming armed units to fight with the Abkhazian separatists in their conflict with Georgia [ see p. 39110 ] .
19 It is also a chance for home-grown designers to sell to the world .
20 VANILLA ICE was ticketed for a fire code violation in San Antonio , Texas , after inviting fans to gather around the stage .
21 Wisden had some strong words to say about the fourth game , back in Trinidad : ‘ England put up a performance which exposed to the crowd of 21,000 what depths of incompetence they had reached … after two days off following the Test defeat , the first practice was made optional — and Gower himself was one of the six who failed to attend . ’
22 The Institute 's Education & Training Directorate and the General Practitioner Board have been watching the falling numbers of students training in small firms with deep concern and both have set up working parties to look at the problems .
23 On the precise matter that he raised regarding Scotland , my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Scotland has set up working parties to advise on the need for early action on the Cairngorms , Loch Lomond and the Trossachs .
24 Wordsworth 's accent frequently struck Southern ears as harsh : even though suburban gentility had not yet forced all regional speakers to conform to the colourless vowel-sounds of the Home Counties if they wished to be socially acceptable , and even though Coleridge , like Sir Walter Raleigh before him , spoke broad Devon all his life without being taken for a peasant , it is clear that Wordsworth 's accent did contribute to a general impression of roughness .
25 Russians made repeated attempts to break through the encircling enemy — only and always to be driven back by the murderous fire of Francois 's 1st Corps , which barred the line of retreat along the route by which they had earlier advanced .
26 So , in an effort to once and for all give you the facts on why we 're Fun Factor Number 1 , we 've called in a few experts to run through the complete bizzo .
27 Sir Derek will resist pressure from some shareholders to resign in the belief that this is largely a minority view .
28 The Fijian traditional communal system of livelihood has a tendency to restrict initiative for commercial expansion and development so that there is a need to modify commercial values to meet with the demands of modern commercialism , This , in a nutshell , is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do .
29 ‘ In cases of multiple debt , we reckon on 12 hours to work through the inquiry , ’ she added .
30 The focusing device of this chapter will be the role of metaphor in the novels as a strategy for bringing specialized discourses to bear on the consciousness of the fictional character and for ‘ mobilizing ’ the discourses themselves .
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