Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb base] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 PAKISTANI authorities have for the first time begun arresting farmers in the North West Frontier Province who have been found planting opium for next year 's harvest .
2 Only six solo roles call for a male soprano , on the basis of which it is possible to make a few observations .
3 For democratic elitists the state is directed by legitimately elected political leaders ; it is a driverless car which political parties compete for the right to manage .
4 On-shore activities make for a lively and exhilarating festival .
5 They do n't congeal round any unifying principles beyond a vague commitment to an idealised model of the intellectual free market in which different discourses vie for the reader 's attention — like a basket of competing currencies battling for prominence against the deutschmark or the yen .
6 CLUB AND RESORT FACILITIES — some Clubs charge for the use of certain facilities , e.g. mini-golf , tennis courts , saunas , sun loungers , parasols , and nightclubs etc .
7 So , for high taxes vote for the Labour party , and for low taxes vote Conservative .
8 The code in fact incorporates a degree of redundancy , so that in some cases as many as six different triplets code for the same amino acid .
9 THE English schools team for the 21st annual home countries schools international at Hull on Saturday includes three Newcastle swimmers .
10 Some journalists work for the paper read by the people who run the country ( The Times ) .
11 Some journalists work for the paper read by the people who think they run the country ( The Telegraph ) .
12 Some journalists work for the paper read by the people who want to run the country ( The Mail/The Express ) .
13 Some journalists work for the paper whose readers do n't care who runs the country so long as the girl on page three is well endowed ( The Sun ) .
14 And some journalists work for the paper read by the people who think this country should be run by another country ( The Morning Star ) .
15 Thus some computers use for the jump instruction a format in which the subsidiary information field is a sub-operation code field , which specifies the condition under which the jump is to be performed ( for example , accumulator positive , or overflow flag set ) .
16 Very broadly residential homes cater for the physically frail whereas nursing homes/long-stay hospital care is more likely to cater for the mentally frail .
17 Some companies opt for a simple mailing of information supported by the product samples , or the complete package may be personally delivered to selected media by the PR executives concerned .
18 Some companies search for a deficiency in an enzyme , glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase ( G-6-PD ) .
19 Thirdly , and with particular interest for the present work , the strike was uneven in its geographical impact ; whereas in some areas support for the union was virtually 100 per cent throughout the year-long dispute , in others there was very little backing and coal was mined throughout the period .
20 No doubt some Catholics yearn for a return to the middle ages before the Renaissance and Reformation shattered the stability of feudal Europe .
21 Local and national sports bodies have also objected on the grounds that the scheme would take away open space that could be used as a public sports field for a town which the National Playing Fields Association says has a shortage of open space .
22 Among them was In His Name , which was put together in response to the need expressed by the Conference of the International Missionary Council held at Willengen in Germany in 1952 , for a book which would help missionary-minded Christians pray for the Church and the World in a way integrated in the full range of Christian faith and worship .
23 Development costs are also charged to the profit and loss account in the year of expenditure , except when individual projects satisfy the following criteria : the project is clearly defined and related expenditure is separately identifiable ; the project is technically feasible and commercially viable ; current and future costs will be exceeded by future sales ; and adequate resources exist for the project to be completed .
24 It seems that British investors go for the north and west — Normandy and Brittany — and also like to invest their money further south in Aquitaine and Perigord .
25 Reciprocal arrangements exist for the sale of the Relate 2000 in the US , Japan , Singapore and Hong Kong , and other countries will follow shortly .
26 Could it be that the bureaucrats of primate research saw a way to parlay an admission of poor husbandry into a public relations campaign for the primate centres ?
27 Radio was still something special and the idea of putting out a half-hour programme on the young refugees — to be called Children in Flight - was a great public relations coup for the RCM .
28 I got involved with agencies who specialise in placing children who were difficult to place , be it handicapped , black or of the wrong age , and that led to my doing a lot of work taking photographs for a magazine published by the British Agencies for Adoption and Fostering and various publicity and public relations work for the Catholic Children 's Society .
29 The slow-moving five-foot lines are unexpected ; the dignified quatrains make for a cumbrous narrative style , which is alien in spirit to that of a medieval ballad .
30 Other equally valid fits might also be obtained by allowing the 18-day decay to depart from a pure exponential ; it would then be possible , for example , to obtain a solution in which the two asymptotic increases account for the whole of the increase in rotation rate .
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