Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb pp] over the " in BNC.

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1 These include : commercial records ; broadcasts recorded off-air ; private recordings donated over the years ; oral history interviews ; tapes of some of Britain 's leading theatre companies ; railway , wildlife , and ethnic sounds collected by experts in their fields ; and so on .
2 The numbers killed in commercial set-nets declined over the period , but the number caught in amateur nets increased .
3 The crew lost control of the ballast system after seawater splashing through broken portlights washed over the ballast console and caused it to malfunction .
4 This may vary from a few words exchanged over the garden fence , to visits which last all day .
5 A similar situation in some respects developed over the office of fiscal of the regality court of Lennox , or Mugdock , an appointment which was held by William Weir , the town clerk of the burgh of Rutherglen , a gentleman who also officiated as commissary of Hamilton and Campsie .
6 Margaret Bonner-Walter , chair of the London-based International Federation of Aromatherapists , agreed that the packaging of some bottles sold over the counter ‘ could benefit from better safety-labelling ’ .
7 Standing on top of the Mexican pavilion , still an empty shell with a few plants sprinkled over the roof and a 1,500-year-old cactus guarding the entrance , he said : ‘ I am not only sure that Expo will be ready on the day .
8 For the truth is that few Bibles produced over the last 370 years have any substantial value , neither have a great many from the period before that .
9 The share and rate of profit and the accumulation rate more or less stabilized at the very high levels established over the previous six years .
10 The houses with their heavy wooden windows leaned over the street until they almost touched in the middle , making it always cool and dark .
11 Two very old ladies presided over the tea and coffee pots ; they were the oldest members of the League , having travelled out to Tollemarche district with their parents in covered wagons before the town itself existed .
12 But a study of the Roman coins accumulated over the last century or so in museums has thrown up consistent differences between northern France and Italy , enabling certain conclusions to be drawn about the currencies of those areas .
13 The company , founded in 1974 to create and publish practical reference books for adults , now sells its titles in over 80 countries and in 37 languages and almost 90 per cent of the 560 titles originated over the company 's history are still in print .
14 There are simple spinelets scattered over the dorsal surface of the disk although they are often rubbed off in preserved specimens .
15 Instead of flower-infused silence , the air was filled with the clamour of autumn : the cries , the chaffing , the folksongs , the team-songs of the villages ; the chinking of blades ; the rumble of flint-studded boards driven over the threshing-ground .
16 As regards undergraduates , Table 1.2 shows the numbers of full-time and part-time students enrolled over the same period , and Table 1.3 the number of first degrees awarded in each sector .
17 The 300,000 extra jobs created over the seven-year period was in proportional terms close to the rate of employment growth in England and Wales , but for the South-east as a whole the rate was much higher .
18 l IAN McCULLOCH Candleland ( WEA UK : WX303C ) Ian McCulloch was the most memorable thing about Echo And The Bunnymen , the Liverpool acid revivalists of the early Eighties ( acid as in Syd Barrett , psychedelia and funny oily slides put over the spotlights , rather than mega-profitable discos in aircraft hangars and gate-crashing visits from the uniformed branch ) .
19 For me , the moment of realisation that something more must be done to identify the aggressor and to hold him to account came last week , when I was invited to open an exhibition of photographs at the building centre in Store street , London , of some of the Croatian buildings destroyed over the past few months .
20 Some accounts also suggest that these waves swept over the low-lying parts of St Pierre , near the waterfront , causing some damage and casualties .
21 They did n't even get as far as the bedroom , one of the soft rugs strewn over the carpeting in her lounge serving as their bed of reunion , Maria still partly and Luke almost fully clothed as they subsided on to its subtly glowing colours .
22 Here in this room was virtually every shade of that colour — from the cobalt-blue draperies , scattered with little hyacinth flowers , to the sapphire-blue cushions scattered over the bed and the powder-blue carpet , thick and soft beneath her feet .
23 There were disturbances in Ecuador 's largest city , Guayaquil , on Jan. 19 as angry municipal workers protested over the decision of the mayor , Harry Soria , to dismiss over 4,000 pipones — employees on the pay-roll but not working .
24 I do n't know whether this is optional … is ‘ being severed in two , bowels turned to ashes and these ashes scattered over the face of the earth . ’
25 Into the discussions of partnership in validation , the ‘ blue book ’ and the possibility of new validation arrangements with ‘ mature ’ institutions were fed the varied attempts to draw lessons from and conduct dialogue around the specific difficulties encountered over the Teesside visit .
26 In the early spring , Peckham will meet the health minister , William Waldegrave , to present him with a set of firm plans developed over the past months .
27 And their deep cries crawled over the floors
28 On Friday and Saturday there will be national jumping for horses and ponies , with four international classes staged over the two days .
29 The cosmic gods presided over the forces of nature in the great natural powers of sun , moon , earth , sky , air and water .
30 Here the decor by Miss Judy Nicholls of Images was a Renaissance theme , with gold-fringed swags and banners of ruby silk tied back with gold rope , and a canopy of sparkling lights suspended over the dance floor .
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